Chapter 6

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Authors note:- Sorry for the really sort chapter :( i do I bigger one next time.

I knew I was done for now, I tried to creep away while I still could but alas he had his Pokemon surround me.

"It's ok I won't hurt you" Cody said with a warm smile.

It didn't matter how warm his smile was, I knew I was in trouble.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, I promise that I won't do anything bad" he said again whist putting his hand out.

I slowly walked towards Cody, I sniffed his hand then placed my head in his hands to show I trusted him.

"It's ok you'll be safe with me" he said holding me close.

"Well then, it's getting late we should all get some rest" said Cody putting me down.

"Everyone, return" he said whist returning everyone to there Pokéballs.

"Come on you two" Cody smiled as he also returned me to my Pokéball.

Whist I was in the Pokéball, I thought about what my mum had told me, my sisters and brothers when we were still Eevee's. 'Humans are bad, if they catch you they will hurt you, that's why we must hide from then'. But Cody seemed different, everyone I had seen up till now matched Mum's description, but I guess there are some nice trainers out there.

My eyes started to get heavy, I was really tired, probably from all the running I did today. I yawned loudly then curled up into a ball and fell asleep, hopefully I see my family soon. (/)

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