Chapter 4

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There was a strange Pokemon in front of us, it had machines all over it.

"Excuse me are you ok?" I asked it but it just ignored me.

"What's your name?" I asked, it moved its head and looked right at me.

"My name is Mewtwo" it said.

"That's a nice name" I said smiling.

"Do you have a name?" Mewtwo asked.

"No I was never given one" I said sadly.

"Well why don't you give yourself one" Mewtwo said.

"I dunno what to call myself tho" I said.

"How about Shine for the way your fur shines" said Mewtwo.

"Shine I like that, thanks a lot Mewtwo" I thanked him.

"Let me help you escape" said Mewtwo, the bars of the cage then broke and all the Pokemon were set free, I started to run towards the door with my new friends but I stopped and looked at Mewtwo.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"I have some business I must attend to, but i know I'll see you again soon" he said.

I left the building and ran into the forest with Vulpix and Zorua, we then saw the building we were just in exploded and Mewtwo flew out off it.

"So where are we going now?" Asked Vulpix.

"Why don't we find your home and Zorua we'll find your trainer" I said.

"What about your family!" Asked Zorua.

"I'm sure we'll find them along the way" I said.

We walked for ages and we finally came across a field of Vulpix and Ninetails, Vulpix then ran over to them and they greeted her.

"Thankyou so much for all you've done" said Vulpix as we left her with her family.

"I'm sure we'll see each other soon!" I shouted as the distance between us got shorter.

We then got a ride on a ferry to the next island to find Zorua's trainer, we looked around the hole island but we couldn't find him, we were about to give up when we saw Zorua's trainer.

"Thankyou Shine, why don't you stay with us?" Asked Zorua.

"I'd love to but I still need to find my family" I said.

"I'll see you again ok" said Zorua.

I kept walking looking in different towns to see if there was any sign of my family, I stopped at a river to get a drink when a trainer came behind me with a gang.

"Look it's a little Eevee" one of them said.

"Maybe you should catch it to laugh at" said another one.

"Why don't we mess with it" said the trainer, he then picked up a stick and hit me with it, he kept hitting me so I transform into Espeon and used Physic and sent them flying, I then turned back into Eevee and started to look for my family again.

I could hear something behind me I turned around to see a trainer and his Snivy, it looked like they wanted to catch me, the Snivy used razor leaf and it hit me, I transformed into Flareon and hit it with flamethrower but the Snivy used tackle and it sent me flying the trainer then threw a pokeball at me but I wasn't going to go down without a good fight, I came back out and transformed into Vaporeon I used water gun and the Snivy fainted the trainer the sent out a Snorlax and it used body slam it crushed me and the trainer used a pokeball, I was trapped no dote about it, I was his now. (/)

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