AJ and Flash

15 3 1

AJ: Hey Flash

Flash: What do u want!

AJ: Sorry if inturuped u

Flash: Sorry AJ, I thought that u where one of the....

AJ: Idiots

Flash: Ya, not all of them r idiots

AJ: Got a point

Flash: What do u need?

AJ: I was just wounding if my dad gave u back your shovel.

Flash: He did

AJ: That is good, Was is bent?

Flash: Nope, he did clean it up for me tho

AJ: Oh

Flash: Ya

AJ: Hey Jazz

Flash: Yes AJ

AJ: Do u want to grab your shovel

Flash: Why

AJ: I was thinking about u and me going to find Chica and hit her with the shovel

Flash: Oh Ok?

AJ: 2 shut her her up

Flash: I am guessing she woke u up screaming pizza is ready

AJ: Yup

Flash: I have a qustion

AJ: Ya

Flash: Aren't u not felling good today?

AJ: Ya, feeling like crap

Flash: Oh

AJ: Ya

Flash: Do u want me 2 do it?

AJ: Pleause

Flash: Sure

( Flash Leaves )

Like the story said I am not felling good. I hope u guys who r sick feel better. I also found out that my brothers dog ( Sopia ) just die ( Sometime between 3-24-19 and 3-30-19 ) from what they thinks was a heart atack. I hope that we can all move on from this. Pleause keep my brother and my granmother in your prayers. ( I found out on 3-30-19 )

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