0 || prologue

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it was odd how things worked out for artemis.

for some reason, there was always something happening in her life. sometimes they were goodーlike when she first completed an s-class rank mission on her own. sometimes they were badーlike when she had lost both of her arms.

maybe these happenings became so because she was apart of fairy tail. noーit was definitely because she was apart of fairy tail.

she didn't mind though; they were her family. she didn't mind the chaos. without them, she probably wouldn't be alive.

however, that chaos was interrupted one fateful day when a group of strangers walked into the guild.

the guild was having one of their friendly brawls when they walked in. there stood women with with black hair and red eyes and three teens no older than eighteen.

one of the teens was a girl with black hair and lilac eyes. her eyes were an unusual color, but they were nonetheless beautiful just like the owner.

the next teen stood just behind the red eyed women but stood in front of the other two teens. he had short brown hair and two red markings on his cheeks. next to him stood a large dog.

the last teen was by far the most mysterious. a hood covered his head while a long collar covered his mouth. he also had black goggles covering his eyes.

all of them were so different from each other, but one thing they did have in common was the headbands they wore with a symbol that resembled a leaf.

artemis' guild mates were puzzled by their clothes, but nonetheless, the welcoming smiles never dropped from their faces. as soon as they knew the strangers had seen their smiles, the guild went back to fighting.

mira walked up to the quartet with a soft smile on her face and asked, "hi, welcome to fairy tail! is there anything i can get for you?"

the woman with black hair replied, "yes, actually. we're here toーwatch out!"

before the woman had time to react to the chair hurling toward them, mira lifted her fist just in time, the chair bursting to piece.

mira turned to find the culprit and laid her eyes upon gray and natsu pushing on each others face, both uttering an "i'm sorry!" before going back to fighting, mira replying that it's fine.

the white haired woman turned her head back to the group to see them sweat-dropping. mira apologizes, "i'm sorry about that. it's always been kinda hard to control them."

the black haired woman laughed it off, "no, no, it's fine, really. we have to deal with the same."

the group collectively thought of a certain blonde boy.

artemis had been listening to their conversation this whole time, though it's only possible due to her dragon slayer status.

it was just then that kurenai, as she had just introduced herself as, has business with master makarov. this got artemis to raise an eyebrow.

what do they need with master?

mira then led the group to makarov's office, and artemis decided to let it go. it doesn't have anything to do with her anyways, and she definitely doesn't need anymore on her plate with what happened recently at the grand magic games.

to take her mind of it, artemis waltzed up to the mission board, trying to find something easy she could get done within a day.


makarov sighed. he knew what they were going through and felt for them. However, he couldn't send a group to help these ninjas right after the chaos that ensued at the grand magic games. there was just too much that had to get done.

"I understand that it's a lot to ask with what just happened in fiore. however, even if you can't spare a team, just one person could help us," kurenai tried to convince makarov.

makarov took a second to mull it over. only send one person? they're expecting to go to war, and they'll settle for just one person?

who's someone he could send? they have to be strong and someone that can adapt to their fighting style. they need to be a fast learner as well. someone attentive and with great stealth.

makarov looked up to the ninjas to give them their answer, "i have someone that i can send."

"her name is artemis yūdokōjō."

i'm going to go ahead and explain the meaning behind artemis' name.

artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt. she's described in greek mythology as the "lady of the beast" among other things. i don't know why, but i really love the though of greek mythology, even though i'm atheist. from what little knowledge i have of artemis, i definitely know she's a bad bitch who don't need no man. basically, she doesn't need help protecting herself. i also want to somehow incorporate artemis using the bow since that's the weapon the goddess used.

I wanted her name to represent strength and independence, while also showing that she's sort of petty in a way when she's angered.

artemis' last name is a combination of the japanese words yūdoku(poisonous) and kōjō(plant). i combined the two to basically make the phrase "poisonous plant". i did this allude to the magic she specializes in, which will be explored on later in the story.

i hope you understood my rambles! see you later, i guess.

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