1 || chapter one

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artemis was surprised when she was called to the master's office by mira.

the knew she didn't really do anything that would warrant it. she paid for the little bit of property damage she had caused on her last mission, so it shouldn't be about that.

maybe it has to do with mysterious group that walked in the guild?

artemis hoped she was wrong. after all, the mage had just gotten back to the guild from a three-month long mission that had her traveling all over fiore. she could do with a little sleep.

nonetheless, artemis made her way upstairs, not wanting to keep the master waiting.

mira was standing by the door and gave artemis her little smile that always seemed to give the blonde tiny blush.

the take-over mage then began to slowly open the door which showed five people peering towards her, three of the strangers with a curious look on their faces.

mira and artemis walked inside, the former closing the door behind the two of them.

artemis kept her head level and face neutral, asking makarov, "is there something you need, gramps?"

if her guild master had been anyone else, artemis would never have called them 'gramps'. However, this was makarov, master of fairy tail, aka a giant family filled with rowdy kids, even the adults, and he was was the annoyed grandpa who was almost done with their shit, yet loved them to death.

this was her family.

makarov pursed his lips and sighed, something he'd done more than a few times that day.

"there's special mission i need you to go on. that is, if you're interested."

artemis knew she was going to regret this, but she went for it anyway, "how long should it take? you know i just got back from that long s-class mission."

the group of strangers stood to the side waiting for their turn to explain the mission request.

her chest dropped at makarov's answer.

"that's the thing. this mission doesn't have an estimated duration."

artemis sighed and decided to talk about the elephant in the room, "i'm guessing the employer, or should i say employers, are in the this room. specifically, the people that no one in the guild has ever seen or met before."

kurenai stepped forward to answer her question, "yes, that is us. we're sorry about how abrupt this is, but this is very important."

the red-eyed beauty smiled, "i guess we should introduce ourselves. i'm–"

artemis interrupted, "kurenai, right?"

"how did you know?" kurenai and the rest of the group were confused.

realizing how creepy she just sounded, artemis explained herself, "us dragon slayers have superb hearing, along with our other senses as well. i heard you introduce yourself to mira when you were in the guild hall."

mira made a small comment, "oh, that's just like you, artie. you're just as observative as always."

artemis gave a small, sheepish smile to mira, a small blush gracing the dragon slayer's cheeks.

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