
50 2 13

toy; noun
a person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather than with due seriousness.


i hugged chanwoo and taehee as i missed them after not seeing then face-to-face for a whole year.

"wow, jihyo! have you been working out? you look more skinny than you used to." taehee giggled slightly.

i frowned.

yes, i lost weight. why? i was depressed. it was all because of daehwi. he made me miserable, but i was glad that i moved on or i will get some mental illness.

"yeah, i kinda did." i lied.

"sure you did. say, how are you and donghyun?" chanwoo started to talk normally again after crying out of happiness for seeing so suddenly.

"we managed." i relied short but bold.

"nice." taehee replied as she showed her thumbs into the air.

i smiled. it's good to have you guys back.


how dare they leave me on my first day back at school?! aish!

i quickly put on my snickers and rushed towards the bus stop. i ran and ran, but to my dismay, my foot stumbled with each other and bumped into a guy. i hit his hard chest as i held his shirt tight.

his scent smelled familiar...

"excuse me?"

i backed away with a slight push from my arms. i widened my eyes.

it was daehwi...

"yah! yah! watch out!"

he wailed as he professionally took my arm and spun myself to him. it was a close call. if he hadn't took me in his embrace, who knows how i'll die.

the lorry passed by without stopping or any word representing 'sorry'.

"are you okay?" he faced me and stared into my eyes.

only god knows how much i missed him.

"i-i'm fine, daehwi. let me go." i pulled out and sat on the bench.

he scratched his head, "how did you know my name? i don't even know you."

what? is he serious?

"excuse me?"

he smiled, "hi, i'm lee daehwi. nice to meet you."

does he really not recognise me?

"do you not recognise me?" i said, trying to confirm.

"you somewhat look familiar though..."

oh, shit! please don't recognise me!

"h-hi, i'm k-kim eunha. nice to meet you too."

"oh, nice. so we're friends now?" he smiled a friendly smile.

"i guess..."

he chuckled, "alright. the bus is not going to wait for us though."

"what do you-" i raised my head and looked in front just to see that he left me alone, running towards the bus. "yah!"


i walked slowly to the lecture room i used to enter, taking nervous steps. my hands were shaking aggressively, my heartbeat increased.

as if i'm afraid of something.

is it because of daehwi? donghyun? my friends? ms. bae?

i don't even know myself.

i heard ms. bae's voice, pleading everyone to sit down and be quiet as she was about to introduce me. i heard silence after and a lengthy sigh coming out from ms. bae.

i was listening through the door, hoping for some noises as it was too quiet.

the door the came open with a tired-looking ms. bae. she smiled blissfully. she grinned and looked back at the class while dragging me inside.

i could see everybody had round eyes, they were shocked to see me. especially that slut, kwang leeyoung. she looked so mad, i could see her face getting red and steamy.

i giggled slightly.

"today we have a precious student who used to study here but had to go to busan for a year to take care of her mom. introducing, park jihyo!" she happily clapped as the classroom echoed the noise.

i smiled. i'm glad that everyone still remembers me.


everyone! oh no, daehwi!

i took a glance at the standing figure to my right, daehwi with widened eyes. not only that, he was crying. i felt sorry for him. i looked down and just stared at my feet. later on, i felt ms. bar nudging my shoulder, signalling me to give a summary about myself.

"h-hi. i'm park jihyo, as you all still remember. i'm glad to be back here. thank you so much." i bowed.

ms. bar smiled and gestured me to go sit at an empty space. i nodded as i searched for a seat all around the room. unfortunately, the only empty sit was beside daehwi. and to the right of daehwi was the girl he was dating. damn... why is my life like this.

he smiled as my eyes landed on him. he giggled and waved at me to sit beside him.

i sighed, i might as well try to avoid him.

i dragged my feet, and it was heavy to lift it. i stopped when my chair is in front of me, i took the chair backwards and sit on it. i scooted away from him to keep a good distance between me and him.

"i'm so sorry, daehwi..." i mumbled under my breath.

he had a sad face plastered on his face.


it was lunchbreak, and i'm glad that i get to stay away from daehwi.

or so i thought i can.

"yah!" he shouted, taking my wrist in his grip, "why did you lie about your name?"

i didn't turn back. i was afraid to. i can't see his face right now. i just can't.

"yah..." he had a begging voice.

he placed his fingers on my chin and turned my gaze to meet his. he was staring into my eyes deeply like he used to.

"god i miss those tempting lips so much." he insisted.

he came close to my face for a kiss but...


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