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The Captain rhythmically tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him before adjusting the tall collar of his brown leather coat with one hand.

“So, what are you going to do if he doesn’t go for the offer?” his second-in-command asked, feeling equally as nervous as the captain was.

He let out a mildly amused breath of laughter. “He’ll take it if he knows what’s good for him.”

“I think we both know that this deal is far better for you than it is for him.”

Sighing, he ran a hand through his wild blond hair. “That may be true, but Flukaria is still a huge threat to him. We are a threat. He doesn’t need more trouble than he already has – his lack of power doesn’t help him, either. It’s within his best interests to agree with me.”

His second-in-command pinched the bridge of his nose as he leant against the sturdy oak desk, unsure if he should believe himself or the Captain. “All I’m saying,” he paused for half a second, “is that he’s smart. He may be young, but he’s very, very clever. Yes, he lacks man-power, but we know he’s efficient, more so than you, I, the General or the Leader.”

“I’m depending on his naivety, Peace. I can make him think I’m right, even if I’m not. I’m older, more experienced, more manipulative. This is what I was born to do!”

Only fifteen minutes remained before the leaders of two of the four major realms were to discuss their plans for the future. Fluke want a truce with Evengis. While it was a small realm with a young leader, it was still dangerous for Flukaria to be on the opposing side to them.

Fluke radiated charisma – getting Sir Evanz to agree him wasn’t going to be a particularly difficult task, or at least, he didn’t think so. His confidence wasn’t boosted by Peace’s rather accurate and fair points. While young, Evanz wasn’t that perceptible. He had very clear thoughts and strategies of his own, and, even though his army was very small – the smallest of the four major nations – he organised it impeccably. He ran a tight ship in Evengis.

Two sharp knocks on the heavy office door – made of oak wood to match the desk – pulled Fluke and Peace from their musings.

“Get that for me, please.”

No sooner had Peace opened the door, than the girl behind it ran into the room, her face clearly showing panic.

“Captain!” she panted, standing to attention.

He returned her salute. “What seems to be the problem?”

“It’s…it’s Leader Rage. He’s going to do it again.”

That was all Fluke needed to hear. “Shit! Peace, call off the conference with Sir Evanz, that can wait! We need to prepare for this.”

“Fluke, I can’t exactly say no, but I can hardly advise it-”

Peace! Do you not remember what happened last time?! We could all be in danger now. We- I cannot let that madman take another Flukarian life!” Fluke’s words emanated anger and worry, and his volume almost hurt Peace’s ears.

He nodded quickly before leaving the room to set about his business, set even more on edge by the Captain’s sudden frenzy.

Breathing heavily, Fluke sat back down in his desk chair. “You,” he nodded towards the soldier in his office, “what’s your name?”

Slightly startled by the Captain’s informalities, she replied, as not to disrespect him. “Lisa Anderson.”

“I suppose you do well in the army, to be chosen to deliver this…this news?”

She nodded once. “I suppose you could say that.”

Lisa was – you could say – a perfect example of a Flukarian. Light blonde hair that fell in loose waves to her shoulders was tied back behind her ears, pale blue eyes that reflected her surroundings, a marvellous way with words and an indefinite fighting spirit. She, like everyone else within the realms, was very much used to looking like everyone else in her homeland.

“What were your exact orders?” he asked, trying to gain some perspective.

“I was told to give you the news, then fulfil any orders you may have for me, and then to return as soon as possible.”

He thought for a moment, still struggling greatly to think straight. “In which case, I order you to stay with me until such time that I no longer need your assistance. That may be soon, it could be months, but I know that I am going to need another second-in-command. Is that clear?”

Shocked by this sudden promotion, she nodded once more before raising her right hand to her temple, trying not to shake visibly. “Yes, Captain.”

“Good. Now let’s get to work,” Fluke stated. “That bastard isn’t claiming another of my soldiers or civilians.”


Well, there we go. That's the first part of that sorted. I hope you enjoyed it? I don't really know where I'm going with this. Ah, anyway, peace out - Hallie(q)

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