Chapter. 20

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"So... what did you want to talk? Not that I mind talking with you... I just was in the middle of a game of thrones." Lacy said as I moved past her into her apartment.

I didn't answer just shrugged and walked into the living room/kitchen where tv show was paused on tv screen and the half-eaten pizza box was laying in the coffee table. I threw my white converse somewhere in the hall and flopped down on the comfy grey couch only letting out a dramatic sigh.

Lacy came after me sitting down too with a confused expression visible on her face. Her brows had a small frown and lips pursed with eyes looking at me like they trying to figure out my deepest secret. I take my gaze from her picking a slice pizza who had a lot of cheese on it and take a bite.

"Are you okay?" Lacy asked after while probably not being able to take my silence.

"I don't know." I shrugged slowly feeling my body stiffening at the tense silence.

I don't know why I came here... I could always go to dads and see Martha who I really missed or just drive to Sophie, but for some reason, I found myself at the Lacy doors while trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I feel alright, but the feeling at my heart and the back at my head don't let me flow at ease. I hate this feeling, this suspense.

"Can we watch something other and not this... boring show?" I asked gesturing to the screen of some dude with beard looking at the screen.

"It's not boring?!" Lacy gasped putting a hand on her chest dramatically. "I really debating to throw you out of my home... you just insulted the masterpiece." She added exclaiming every word like she's being serious, but I can tell she's only playing.

I cracked a smile and put a head on Lacy shoulder watching as she pushes Netflix home button and starts searching for something to watch. I want really looking at the screen. My gaze was on the wall behind tv as I thought about yesterday... an about very intense night with Maverick. Ever since that minutes, something in my head clicked and I couldn't breathe or sleep.

It was blue-eyed devil once occupying my mind.

"Do you think it's possible to like a person... you never thought you could? Or even possible for you to like it?" I asked out of nowhere before I could catch myself and embarrass myself even more. "Like you hate them from the start... you never even thought about them in that way... but later to realize, you can't stop thinking of them?" I continued to rant not bothering to stop.

I really need to get this from my head. I couldn't stop thinking and my night was ruined that not even her arms around my body and her calming breathing didn't help me fall asleep. Maybe Lacy isn't a person I should talk about this, but she's the only one apart from my mom who knows about me and her.

"There's just a thin line between like and hate... or it was just simply always like, but you push your emotions down and replacing with self-made hate... I don't know really, I'm the worst talker ever." Lacy muttered slowly putting a remote on the coffee table and facing me.

Her blue eyes scanned me once again only this time realization got through her eyes making me froze in one place at the fear of her realizing what I'm really talking about. My heart starts racing faster and my body temperature increased.

"But I do know there's nothing wrong to like a person... I mean, you can get heartbroken by many things... like they don't reception feelings, but still... don't let what if dictate your heart." She started talking again after a couple of seconds of silence.

I swallowed lowering head down as I thought about being heartbroken. "Thanks."

"Is it... is it about the name we shall not use?" Lacy asked in a fake posh accent making me chuckle of how ridiculous she sounds.

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