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*You wake up at seven am and start to prepare for your first day on the job. Water bottle? Yep. Change of clothes? Yep. Food? Yep. You're ready for your first day. Anxiety builds up inside you, you don't know anyone here. You don't know how talented they all are. They are just as desperate to debut as you are. You don't let that stop you. You head down to the trainee room. You might meet someone you're going to train with. Let's hope they're nice. You open the door and see Haeun, she's sat around a table with a group of other trainees. She waves at you to come over. Slowly, you make your way over.
Y/N: Hello, nice to meet you again Haeun.
Haeun: It's nice to meet you to Y/N. These are my friends. *She points at them individually.* This is Jimin.
Jimin: Hiya.
Haeun: This is Minji.
Minji: Hey.
Haeun: This is Doyoon.
Doyoon: Hi.
Haeun: And my favourite.
The rest of her friends: Hey that's not fair.
Haeun: I was only joking. And this is Mingyo.
Mingyo: Hiya, how are you?
Y/N: I'm ok, thank you. It's nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N.
Everyone: Hello Y/N.
Y/N: Do any of you work with Jungho?
Minji: I do. Are you the newbie?
Haeun: Minji that's not a nice thing to say.
Minji: I'm sorry.
Y/N: No it's ok. And I am the new one. I was wondering do you know anyone else who we will be working with?
Minji: Yeah there's me, you...
Y/N: I'm sorry to interrupt but are any of them in this room?
Minji: *Has a look around.* No, they must be at... *She gets her things and starts to rush.*
Y/N: Where are they?
Minji: At practice. Are you going to come?
Y/N: Yeah I'm coming now. *You and Minji rush up to the dance practice rooms. Minji busts into room d4.*
Minji: Jungho I'm so sorry I'm late. I didn't recognise the time. *She looks up and there are only trainees.* Where is Jungho?
Other trainees: He's on his way the lesson starts in five minutes.
Minji: *She turns and looks at you.* You're lucky we're early. Jungho oppa would have gone mad.
Y/N: Where do I go?
Minji: Just stay there Jungho will expect you there.
Y/N: Ok. *As you say that Jungho walks through the door.*
Jungho: Hello Y/N it's nice to see you early like the others. Everyone this is Y/N. Treat him like a friend you never know if you might debut together. Anyway, today I want to see how well your skill has developed. If I see no improvement. Bye-bye. First up Jiwoo. *You watch trainee after trainee. Their skills beat yours by a mile. How did you make it into training?* Finally our new trainee, Y/N. *Shocked, you go up and perform a series of activities. When you are finished you can tell that Jungho was surprised.* Y/N you are one of the best trainees I've ever had. *Everyone starts clapping.* Well done to you all none of you are going. * Everyone does a sigh of relief.* It's your lunch break now so go get something to eat and stay healthy. *Jungho leaves the room.*
Minji: *Comes running over to you.* Since when could you do all that!
Y/N: What do you mean?
Minji: Your vocals? You belted most of the notes. And your dancing! You were amazing!
Y/N: Thank you.
Minji: How did you do it all?
Y/N: I just practised a lot that's all.
Minji: We are definitely becoming friends.
Y/N: Thanks for giving me a choice.
Minji: You're welcome. *You finish packing your things then leave with Minji.*

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