The live show

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*Top4 are backstage and you're about to go on stage in a minute.*
Y/N: No matter what happens out there let's try our best and then we can't regret not working hard enough. *You all put your hands out.* Three two one.
Top4: Top4!
Manager: Get on stage.
*You all rush on stage. A wave of cheers coming from the crowd. Mesmerised by the audience you looked over to Jungho who sat a bit in front of the stage with a stern face that sent shivers down your spine.*
Jungho: Welcome Top4 to their first live show. *The audience cheered again. You couldn't help but smile. You looked over to the side and saw Blackpink smiling and cheering as well.* As you all know Top4 are proving they are ready for debut. Should we test them?
Audience: Yes! *You all rush into your positions.*
Jungho: Here's Top4 preforming memories. *The audience cheer wanting to hear the song for the first time. The music starts and you perform. The crowd cheers continuously throughout the performance. You finish and the audience cheer in amazement.*
Jungho: *Writes down what he thinks.* Gunwoo, let's start with your solo performance! After a while, they get to your solo performance. You head up on stage only having a day to practice. You start to shake. You look over at BlackPink and you see them all smiling at you. You look ahead and start.*
Time skip. After your solo performance.
*You start to tear up. You look over to BlackPink after preforming your ballad. Jisoo is crying. You watch the tear fall down her face as she claps. She wipes it and smiles at you. You look over to Top4 where they are cheering you on so much that you can't handle it. You fall to the ground and start crying.*
Jungho: Well done. Next is Minji's solo after the break. *You head backstage to meet up with Top4.*
Minji: Y/N you did amazing!
Gunwoo: We're so proud of you!
Hyejin: You killed it out there!
Y/N: *Still crying.* Thank you.
Manager: Minji we need you on stage now.
Minji: Coming. Wish me luck!
Top4: Good luck Minji!
*Minji leaves and you head to a seating area waiting for Minji to finish her performance. You watch the live show and Minji is working absolutely hard. Halfway through the manager calls you.*
Manager: Top4 follow me.
*You walk to the stage getting ready to go on. Nerves filled you up so much you shook and you went pale.*
Manager: When Minji is done go up there and stand next to her. Jungho is going to tell you how to improve.
*Top4 nods their heads. As they do Minji finishes. You all head up on stage and stand next to Minji.*
Jungho: Now the moment of truth. *Anticipation and tension build in the atmosphere, trying to take over. Jungho tried to brake it.*
Jungho: As a group, you did well. I noticed that at times you were out of sync when dancing. At times you were struggling to understand Y/N's part. *You all nod your head.* I know Y/N was in the hospital for the practice but Y/N you preformed better as a solo artist then part of the group where the rest of you performed better as a group than you did as a soloist.
*You felt attacked but you didn't let it get the better did you.* Y/N I noticed that at times you were out of sync with your members. For the rest of you... You were ok. *You looked over to BlackPink, you could see that they were disgusted by what he was saying. Jisoo looked at you in the eyes. You could see her eyes sparkling and she was about to tear up. You mouthed to her "it's ok, don't cry, I'm not going to give up." She understood and nodded. She took a deep breath and smiled. You looked back at Jungho.*
Jungho: You've all got a lot of work to do in one day. Good luck.
Top4: Thank you. *You all walked off stage as the show ended. You had your work put out. Try hard and if that doesn't work try harder.*

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