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The warmth she felt when it pours on her is overwhelming
The coldness of the droplet makes her feel alive
The way it soaks her completely
Her mind is in a peaceful state
Her body relaxes under its warmth
Yet she was the only one that felt this way
Everyone around her only felt coldness
That coldness she loves made her warm

No one understands her and her body
Only the small delicate droplets do
They read her like a book
Enjoy her presence
As she looks free as a bird under the clouds
Her soul bonded with the water

The lightning the thunder they make her powerful
They give her strength fulfilling her hunger
Feeding her starving heart the power it needs
The water washes her worries away
Takes her pain away
Fills the emptiness within her heart
Making her invincible
But not heartless
Her feelings interrupts her power
Yet it all can be controlled simply by rain.

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