Chapter 2

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Zena's life has gotten somewhat easier after her talk with the Moon Goddess. Odysseus had stopped his attacks on the wolf world and had begone his trip back to his kingdom. He was currently in Asia, in search of his mate, obviously coming to find no one of such. His castle was in Greece, far from Athens and the wondering eyes of the human world.

Zena watched, almost as if she was living through Odysseus' eyes as he ran in wolf form, his top warriors trailing behind him. They continued to run not having any issues of running into any being, not even a bird.

Zena lazily laid back in her recliner looking chair, that hovered over the cloud ground. Guardian angels were lucky to live in the sky, in the clouds away from prodding eyes. This was the way they stayed a secret.


Odysseus was sprinting as fast as he could through the woods, his warriors barely able to keep up. He wanted to be back on his throne, and in the comfort of his kingdom more than anything. Well almost anything that is.

Odysseus growled lowly under his breath. If only the Moon Goddess would finally gift him a mate. If he didn't find her soon, he would be overcome by the beast. Each day Odysseus could feel his sanity slowly slipping and his wolf taking the reigns inch by inch.

He couldn't take it anymore. He need his mate and he had searched the whole world at this point, and it seemed to no avail that he would find his better half.

"Alpha, do you smell that?" His Gemma asked through the mind link, stopping to sniff the air. Odysseus stopped in his tracks and sniffed the air, not smelling anything.

"I smell nothing Darius." Odysseus replied sharply through the link. "Continue men, I want to be back to the kingdom before tomorrow evening." The king closed the mind link off trudging on.

Minutes passed like hours as Odysseus made his way home. He lowly growled at himself. He just wanted to be back by now, having had enough of his packs playful jabs at each other.

Odysseus wasn't as cold as everyone had made him out to be. He had just been waiting what seemed his whole life for his life to finally fall into place. He had a tough life but he knew better than to feel bad for himself. He knew that his pack hadn't handled the death of both their Luna and Alpha very well.

Odysseus' wolf Lycaon pushed into his thoughts. 'We are almost there. We can be there by dawn if we keep pushing.' Odysseus shook his wolfy head.

'I'm not sure they can all make it.' He challenged back.

'Well they better fucking try because I'm not stopping now.' Lycaon barked back, effectively cutting the link between him and Odysseus.

Odysseus looked back at his pack, his friends, his family. They were all he had left at this point. It was obvious to him that the Moon Goddess was playing a sick joke on him, with his resentment of her letting his parents die. His mom should have gotten a second chance mate!

He shook out his fur, slowing to a stop for a mere second. He looked back at his pack, playfully nipping at each other. A small smile, not noticeable to the rest of the world lay on his wolf lips.

"Men." He boomed over their yips. At this point, he had shifted back to man, putting on the pair of basketball shorts that were hanging from his mouth.

"We are nearing an area filled with hunters. You need to be as quiet as a mouse. Be on high alert as we pass through." Odysseus bellowed out.

He looked down as each wolf nodded and then bowed their head in response, submitting to their alpha king. He loved the power he felt watching them all now to him. Or so he thought. It was really his wolf power hungry, longing for a mate.

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