Dutch x Arthur: Finally Made it

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A/N: Maybe a bit crackish but some smut may appear.

Word Count: 582 words

Arthur's POV

I sighed softly heading back to the camp, seeing a pissed off John and Charles escorting Micah, whose arms were tied behind his back.
"Boys where y'all off too?" I asked slightly amused towards Micah's state.
John looked at me a slight smile "We finally proved to Dutch he's the goddamn rat!" John exclaimed excitedly.
I gave a curt nod to them and resumed riding into the camp. Hitching my horse next to the count, both stallions nipping at each other playfully. I walked up towards Dutch's tent and walked inside and sat by him on his bed softly.
"Arthur you were right," he said softly
"Now, Dutch don't be so hard on yourself he's being dealt with so there aren't any more rats" I replied softly.

Dutch's POV (bet y'all didn't expect that)

"Arthur I should've listened to you, I'm sorry," I said softly embracing the gruff man.
Arthur sat there silent and still. Eventually, we parted from the embrace and he got up and left presumably to make a little noise, and one last score. (Sorry had too)

Arthur's POV
I left Dutch's tent flustered and headed out to make some more money the camp was sitting pretty with a couple thousand but it wasn't enough just yet for all of us to be comfortable.
~Timeskip brought to you by Arthur have some goddamn faith~
I left the fence quickly selling what gold bars I had found getting a pretty penny and it looks like we're going to Tahiti after all. I spurred the black painted horse toward the camp and heard Sean call out.
"Who goes there"
"it's me Arthur," I said gruffly
He nodded and I continued tying the horse next to the count once more.
"Dutch, we can go to Tahiti now," I said softly.
"Arthur we don't have en-" he started
"Dutch I just sold maybe 10 gold bars to the fence," I said back serious handing him the money.
"Alright you gather up everyone and I'll find us a boat". Dutch replied
Arthur gave him a look.
" Ok and one for the horses too, we can't forget them" He replied knowing Arthur's look too well.
~Timeskip again~
I smiled softly seeing Dutch in a huge steamboat I assumed he stole.
Everyone began to board it, and Jack excited squealed and gripped John "Daddy, Daddy we're going on a boat!"
I smiled once more towards the boy, and lead the horses onto the boat as well. Dutch began working on the boat getting it set up for it to head toward Tahiti. Bracing myself for the month or longer to come, I turned my head toward Pearson and said
"You brought nonperishable food
He nodded and I went to the few rooms on the boat, Dutch said we'd have to share rooms so I picked him to share with. With a huff, I plopped down on the bed. I felt soft lips go on my neck and mumbled softly
"Dutch what are you doing?"
"Arthur thank you for helping, and always being there." He paused removing his shirt and tossing it on the ground.
"D-Dutch?" I asked questionally but secretly turned on by the man I've looked up to for years

A/N: Heres the teaser! I'll post another part once some requests and more people discover this! Don't want to write basically for no one reading

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