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Getting feelings for You: He would only come to realize he liked you after he had gotten kidnapped. While you and the gang was freezing in the Colter. He was near Blackwater longing for you're touch and hoping you was okay. That is what made him come to realize he had feelings for you. He swore to tell you after he returned.

How he'd kiss you: He'd grab your jaw firmly after a night of drinking. He had just returned back to the gang and you'd longed for this for awhile. "Y/N, I've wanted to do this a long time ya know" he'd say that then kiss you deeply.

Your First Date: Sean and you went on a job, imagine that, You both scoped out a house that looked like a decent score. Then you two went into town. Sean, using his cut of course, paid for you to a dinner and then you watched a show, much to Sean's complaining. "They're not even actin' good, ugh what hog wash. Me da could've done better blindfolded" Sean cried out.  You turned towards him and said firmly "Be quiet fool, we don't want to hear about your da".  Then you two stayed in a hotel and returned the next morning to camp.

Your First Fight: Dutch had called upon Sean, Arthur and Micah and Bill to go into Strawberry. You begged Sean to not go. He insisted he should. You gave him the cold shoulder and he went with the boys. You'd waited patiently for his return and he came back slight bloody and banged up and he told you, going about 90 to nothing, how he was almost shot and Micah was killed. You glared at him sharply and slapped his shoulder. "Ooow what was that for huh?" Sean cried out. "For almost getting killed ya idiot". You was mad at him but glad he was okay.

Sean defending you: He had been seething with anger when Dutch had returned without you. He questioned where you was and Dutch didn't know it made him even more mad. Made him question Dutch's sanity. He was angry for days, he went out riding and looked for any sign of you. Sighing in defeat he'd returned to camp finally getting some sleep. Then he heard Tilly and Mary-Beth scream. He ran to them seeing you slumped over on your horse. Micah had complained saying you definitely talked and led O'Driscols to the camp, which you didn't clearly, Sean looked at Micah and said "Say it again I fuckin' dare ya" Sean exclaimed. Micah looked at him and said "You're bitch led the enemy to us, you dense in the head you Irish bastard?" Sean reared back and punched Micah full force breaking his nose and he looked at him and said "You better fuckin' leave now buddy or ya's gonna be dead"

Breaking up and forgiving: The gang was having a party again, everyone was having a grand time. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom, after returning from the woods you seen Karen making out with Sean. You was pissed so to say. Both drunk off their rockers. You wasn't in the mood you slapped Sean and screamed at Karen calling her a whore and sending her off. You broke it off with Sean infidelity wasn't something you took lightly, Sean kept trying to say let me explain, you got it all wrong. You wasn't having it. After weeks of avoiding Sean he'd finally gotten through. Explained that she came onto him and he didn't do anything back. You apologized and got back together.


Getting feelings for you: He soon realized after Mary left him the first time, when he wasn't good enough for daddy. If only he knew that since day one he was good enough for you. You adored him, everyone else but him could see it. He started asking Hosea if he thought you liked him, he would explain how you acted differently towards him. Hosea kindly explained how he was basically dumb and didn't aww you did like him.

How he'd kiss you: It was definitely an accident the first time. He had went to grab something from his horse and ,Jack had left some play thing out Arthur had gotten him, Arthur tripped and knocked you down in the process you're lips pressed together on landing. You jokingly said "Well If you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask" Arthur was redder than Uncle's face when he falls asleep drunk in the sun at this point. "Imma get up now ma'am I didn't mean to uh um do that" Arthur stammered. You looked at him dumbfounded and said "Well Kiss me like you mean it then you fool" His eyes widen and you interrupt him "I want you too" his cheeks flushed and he kissed you deeply pulling you into him and holding onto you tightly. You made him happy again.

You're first date: He didn't have any money saved up for something fancy but he did know a beautiful place, nature was both of your forte, he had you ride with him and placed his black bandana over your eyes. He wanted to surprise you, he rode to a nice ledge and had you sit with him and lifted the bandana off of your eyes. Before you two stood a magnificent Missouri Fox Trotter, he was silver dappled and painted. It was so rare you'd never seen a sight and he had a small herd with him, you looked to Arthur in awe of the horses. "Their beautiful" you said softly and Arthur nodded in agreement and pulled you in closer and kissed your cheek "Not as beautiful as you though"

Your first fight:  Arthur had received a letter from Mary. You felt your heart drop seeing her name scribbled across the paper. You felt deep down he wasn't over her. You frowned and asked Arthur about it, he said he already went and seen her. That's what set you off, "So what did she want?" You said angry he hadn't spoke to you about it. He looked at you and said "Why are you mad? You act like I'm still in love with her!" He said. You groaned and walked off you wasn't doing this today.

Arthur defending you: Mary had needed his help again, you wasn't on speaking terms so to speak, pun intended, he asked Mary about the situation and she called you all sorts of dirty words and he raised his head up and said "Now you can treat me like shit, but you ever say anything like that about her, I'll make sure it's your last words woman or not" He lowered his hand away from his pistol he had almost pulled on her. "Go find another goddamn errand boy" Arthur stormed off and mounted up heading back to camp. He seen Hosea and explained it all to him. They chatted and he said Arthur should speak to you soon. Arthur left and you came up to Hosea and asked what Arthur had said and he told you, you was in awe he said all that for your sake!

Making up: You approached Arthur and apologized over everything and he said you was right about Mary and hugged you and y'all made up and promised to speak to each other whenever something wasn't right again.

A/N: this has been paused for a hot minute send me some Imagine characters and topics for more to be written!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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