Arthur Morgan X F Reader (Fluff)

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Authors Note: So I decided to do one myself with no request! Anyways, the one-shot will be a fluff as stated in the title. On to the one-shot now 💖
Word Count: 860 words

  I grumbled lowly annoyed by the cold harsh winds of Ambarino. My horse breathing out quietly whisps from the crisp cool air spurting out furiously from her nostrils. I sighed softly and drew my bow from her saddle ready to hunt anything.
I perked my head up quickly, the snow crunching, as well as twigs breaking for a deer, stood before me. The deer oblivious to my intentions, she stood there her head cocked slightly looking at the tree line a couple of hundred yards away.
My breathing hitched slightly as I drew back the bow.
Her carcass laid in the snow and I let out a quiet whistle, H/N trotting along toward me happily letting out a quiet neigh, I tied the carcass down and head back to camp.

Time Skip
I arrive back in camp, and took the doe off the back of H/N and began to approach Pearson.
"Hey, lemme help with that Ms. L/N," Arthur said.
I perked my head up quickly the doe halfway hoisted on my shoulder.
"Just call me Y/N Mr. Morgan I-" I began quietly only for Arthur to quickly interrupt.
"Just Arthur, Y/N" He responded back softly and reached for the doe easily taking her from me.
"Alright, Arthur I'm coming with you to Pearson's caravan though," I said softly.  Hoping he honestly couldn't tell I was sweet on him.
Arthur smiled and let out a soft "Sure".
I smiled quietly to myself enjoying his presence alone. I also couldn't help but to look at his behind, he sure did have a nice rear end. I felt my face flush when John gave me a knowing wink. 'That damn bastard' I thought to myself and shot him a glare that would even make the devil shudder.
" Ah, Good work Arthur," Pearson said.
It took all that I had to not snap at him, right then and there. Thinking I couldn't have killed the animal myself.
"Actually Y/N here did it, on her own. I just offered to bring it to you." Arthur said snappy back himself.
'Hmm, that's weird I didn't think he would say anything.'
"Mr.- Arthur thank you but you didn't have to say anything really, Pearson isn't the brightest around," I said shocked.
"It was nothing, Y/N. You deserve some more credit, seems like Hosea and Dutch and Lenny and Me notice anything." Arthur said back softly and a hint a of red dusted his cheeks.
I felt my face flush and said: "Why Thank you Arthur".
He nodded silently, actually seeming off and I looked at him.
"Is something a matter?" I asked softly.
He looked around quickly and said "Follow me"
He led me to his cabin quietly and made sure no one followed or was in there already.
"It's." He paused with a sigh "Mary she's been on my mind lately, and I can't help to think why I wasn't good enough for her drunken daddy or family." He said trying to seem monotone, but some emotion slipping out, especially hurt. Hurt was present the most.
I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth to speak.
"Now what the Sam hell do you mean not good enough" I paused as he stared at me taken back from my sudden outburst. "If anything you was too good for her sorry ass!" "It was always daddy this and daddy that and you know damn well you did your best." I said rather hot headed he would even assume it was him. I leaned in and hugged him knowing he needed some sort of comfort, not all men are stonic emotionless creatures.
"Thank you Y/N" he whispered softly in my ear, as my head rest on his chest.
"Lay down on the bed, and we'll rest together alright?" I said softly as he had laid down on his bed.
I shortly followed after resting my head on his chest.
"Please don't ever think like that again Arthur." I said softly.
He chuckled and said jokingly "I reckon someone has a crush on me now"
I playfully smacked his arm and said "Yeah I do, not my fault your big ass is so appealing, and also attracts a lot of attention"
I recalled when him and Dutch was suppose to be sneaking around doing something of that sort, which usually Arthur handles stealth well. Not that day his ass made him so loud it wasn't even funny. (Sorry had to make an ass joke)
Arthur looked at you and smiled saying "It's not my fault its nice and rather attention seeking itself."
While I chuckled Arthur leaned in and kissed me on the lips.
"Y/N will you be mine?" He asked softly afterwards.
I nodded and said "Of Course I never thought you'd ask."

Alright that was my first one shot sorry if it was crap but I tried!.

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