Asking, Africa and Autumn.

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"You're just wasting your life away! First this, and god knows what else! No one will ever want to hire you for a job, no boy will ever take an interest in you, and you'll end up living on the streets! Wait...are you even listening? Summer! DO YOU HEAR ME? SUMMER? ARE YOU LISTE-" Mom's voice boomed into my thoughts...yes mom I hear you...I mean, how could I not? Your mouth is screeching down my earlobe after all. "Hey, hey! What's going on here!" Oh great, captain dad to the rescue.  I rolled my eyes and picked at the egg omlete that lay infront of me,"I asked mom if I could have a piercing and well.." CLASH. Mom dropped the dishes in a fury, oh boy, here we go again..."A piercing? You want me to spend good money on a piercing instead of using it to buy food? There are dying kids out there who need food and water, and you sit here asking for a piercing?!" I threw my hands out in exasperation, Typical. I couldn't even ask for a simple little piercing without my mom dragging the whole population of Africa into the question. My dad stepped back in alarm, "wished I never asked" he muttered, before backing away into the lounge, while sneakily grabbing my omlete away in the process. "All I ask is for a little consideration..." Mom carried on with her rant, dragging in all the highs and lows about the world while she's at it. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my bag, squeezing through the door then running full speed ahead before she could stop me. I didn't have time for this! It was the first day back at school, and I'm pretty much what they called "a bucket of nerves." So with a stomach full of butterflies, and an ear full of spit (thanks Mom) I started my journey into this awful territory.

Walking through the gates of Paulstreet High, a familiar feeling of dread swept over me. Don't get me wrong, I loved school and all...just y'know...take out the learning, the uniform, the bitchy ass girls, the teachers and the awkward moments and it'd be perfect. But...I guess that defeats the whole purpose of school, and the whole unesssesary hassle of growing up. And who knows, without it, I may just end up being that no-hope-in-life person my Mom always talked abou- "HEY SUMMER. What are you doing out? It's Autumn!" a voice shouted from the other end of the Quad, disturbing my thoughts. I turned around to be met with Matt, laughing at his oh so original joke with his oh so amusing friends. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity. You would have thought that with a whole six weeks free for his mind to wander, he would have thought of a new joke by now. Oh well, I guess somethings never change. And with that, the bell rang for the start of the school day. "Oh what amazing adventures would this day bring me" I wondered out loud sarcastically before making my way down to Room 45.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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