New York Day 1

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Brian and Brian woke up in New York, they had the day off, and today Katya was taking Trixie on their first date. Trixie was so excited, she could barely even sleep.

Trixie rolled over to check the time on his phone. '8 A.M.' Brian jumped out of bed, and took a shower, singing lightly to music that was playing from his phone. He gets out with a towel around his waist, and walks past the bed, purposely trying to tease katya.

Katya, on his phone, notices Trixie walk past him, and his eyes can't help but stare at brian.

"Fuck." Katya whispers. Katya makes his way over to brain, who was bent over picking out his clothes, and slaps his ass before going into the bathroom and taking a shower.

After Trixie got dressed, and Katya got out of the shower. They decide to go to Bob's house. Katya had always felt slightly jealous of Bob, maybe it was because she always felt replaced by Bob or because of the time filled in on the show.

"Hey Bri?" Katya says breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Trixie says smiling back at him.

"We aren't gonna tell people right, if we do end up, ya know like-"

"Bri, don't worry, we can keep it secret now. We aren't even boyfriends or anything like that, we have time, well at least I do, you old fucking man."

"Yea..." Brian sighs and laughs at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Trixie says attempting to make intense eye contact with Katya, but her head was down.

"We don't have to go-" trixie starts.

"do you like Bob more than me?" katya says getting out of the car, she was suddenly so scared to lose brian.

"No, Brian. Look at me." trixie says. Katyas eyes look up, and they both smile slightly hand in hand. "I love you." katya pulls him towards him into a passionate strong kiss. Trixie kisses back and deepens the kiss until a fake cough is heard from behind them. "Shit." trixie whispers quietly.

"Hi." Bob says turning his head and clocking slightly in confusion.

"Hey." Trixie flashes Bob a wink.

"Finally." Bob sighs laughing. Trixie and Katya walk up the driveway closer to Bob.

"what was that wink for?" katya asks.

"nothing." trixie says.

"Dont let this bitch tell you it's nothing. He's liked you for a while." Bob says budding in.

"I know. I was just a pussy for a while. Honestly I was completely scared of hurting him, you know? I'm at a better place now." katya says.

"awww cute. So tell me everything. dating? Sex? Boyfriends? Fill me in."

"we're dating. I mean there's not much to it." Trixie says trying to avoid awkward confrontation.

"Sex?" Bob says cocking his head and looking straight at Katya.

"fucking amazing" Katya mouths, slightly leaning behind trixie on the couch. "I don't say that just about anybody." she says out loud.

After a few more hours of talking they end up ordering Postmates, then heading back to the bus. After a few hours of laying down and talking, they decide to get ready for their date.

They decided to get ready in their separate rooms. Trixie was so scared, she didn't know why they'd been friends for years, she was so confused, did she want to risk their friendship. She loved him. But is there really more there?

"fuckkkk." he groaned out loud.

"bri you ready?"

"can I talk to you?" trixie said his voice already cracking.

"sure." Brian says opening the door.

"I don't think this is gonna work. Well, I don't want to put our friendship and careers on the line. I hope you understand what I'm saying."

Katya was on the verge of crying, but she didn't want to cry in front of him. "yea." she said her voice cracking majorly and she left Brian standing there. she had given up smoking a month before tour but tonight he couldn't help but smoke one or four, he kept the pack with him just for comfort.

He stepped outside and took a long drag and let the tears fall."why? why?" he kept repeating to himself. Only two days and he had fallen hard.

Trixie on the other hand held back her tears and pulled out her phone and her guitar to start a live.

Katya flopped on her bed and started to cry, she knew brian could probably hear her, but he didn't care he just wanted to get rid of the pain.

After trixie played Jolene a few people started to notice the crying in the background. Trixie wanted to cry just hearing Brian cry but she couldn't.

'that has to be katya'

'they're on tour together'

'I wonder why she's crying'

'Katyaaaaaaa awww'

'my baby cryingggg aww'

Trixie noticed the comments and soon ended the live. Trixie suddenly broke down and fell asleep crying.

Trixie woke up at 3 AM. All he wanted was Brian's arms around him. He heard Brian on the phone with someone and he walked towards the wall to listen.

"yea you just need to be strong baby." she heard the mystery voice say, it sounded familiar but she couldn't think of who.

"I'm trying... It's just so fucking hard. I feel horrible."

"you shouldn't feel horrible he should. you deserve better."

"but I love him, I don't know what I'd do without him." he says as he starts crying again. Trixie felt horrible. He broke him. He didn't even want to break up with him he just didn't want to put his career on the line.

"if he makes you cry this much then he really doesn't deserve you. If he loved you he'd be knocking at your door at 3 AM."

"yea," he sighs "Goodnight I'm going to bed cause this has been one hell of a day."

"good night if you feel any cravings you better call me. Even if it's 4 AM. any time."

"okay love you."

"love you"

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