First Kiss

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The First Time They Kiss You

Thomas Shelby
The first time Tommy kisses you, is in an intimate setting, away from everyone. Although he wanted it to be special and just between you and him, he also didn't want his family witnessing any of it. Despite him being a romantic person back before the war, he now never let himself fall for anyone, or treat anyone in a romantic style.  The first time he met you, he knew things were about to change.

But he was scared, and Thomas Shelby never lets any of his fears show.

It was dark in the room, but candles had illuminated certain parts. You stood there in the middle, waiting for Tommy. The both of you lingered around each other, never really acting on any of the sexual tension you had shared. You heard the door open and shut, footsteps coming your way as your back was turned from it. Everything was slow; the way he touched your arms and the back of your neck, the way he left soft kisses by your ears and the way he whispered little sweet words.

He turns you around in one fast move, his hands finding the back of your neck as he moves you into his chest. Your bodies are close to one another, feeling the heat that radiates off one another. His plump lips come in contact with yours, hungry for you. And soon after, you grab onto him not wanting to let go as he deepens the kiss with tongue and a lot of love.

Arthur Shelby
The first time Arthur kisses you, is when you are out celebrating with the brothers and other friends, drinking and spending the night going insane.

Although he's quite drunk, he knows it's you he wants to kiss. He was going mad, but it was good to see everyone get lose and not have a care for anything in the moment. Despite Thomas yelling at him a couple of times for taking people's drinks, he had been making you laugh. When he saw you laugh, it made him confident enough to push some men out of the way (it was probably Michael and Isaiah he shoved) and grab you by the waist.

He looks you in the eyes, as if he was asking for permission. Before he can utter a word, you grab his face and smush your lips against his, then quickly pulling away in embarrassment. He shushes you, pulls you out to where the dance floor had been and jumps around crazy with you. But, he stops you to properly kiss you, with his story lips, as hard and passionate as he is.

This leaves everyone, especially his brothers, shouting and causing more chaos - this time, about the kiss.

John Shelby
The first time John kisses you, was effortless but so sweet. It gave the both of you a shock of familiarity and comfort, sort of like you've done this before. But you haven't.

You sat in his small apartment, at the table drinking tea , as he threw on his suit jacket. He was getting ready to meet with his brothers for work, and you were just going to wait around today for him get back to his home, to you. Before he leaves, he leans down and kisses you on the head, something he's always done.

You tell him to wait before he walks out the door. He glides over to you, and you pull him down to kiss his cheek, right by his lips. His face is inches away, lips pulled into a smile. You're flustered, cheeks rose red because of the way he made you feel. Without saying anything, he leans closer, one hand on the back of your chair and the other on your face.

He kisses you softly, then says goodbye as he's off for work, leaving you in a complete happy daze all day.

Requests: open, but delayed.

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