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I wake up to screaming and yelling in the next room. I wasnt sure who it was but it woke Rachel up too. I got up and trudged out of the bedroom. I walk in to Soda and Darry yelling at each other from across the room.

"Damn it Soda! You asshat! I cant come bail you outta jail everytime you get arrested. That's not a good example for Rachel! What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that asshole got what he deserved." Sods spat.

"What the hell's going on?" I yawn.

They both look at me as though they saw a ghost. I stare back at them. Still waiting.

"Baby, you know I love yo-"

"What's. Going. On." I cut him off

Soda sighed.

"I got arrested. I might have found Tommy at the school after orientation and...beat the ever living shit out of him." He whispered the last part.

My jaw drops.

"You did what?..." I stare.

"I told you, I beat him up. I kicked his ass. He deserved it." Soda justified his actions.

This is the worst thing Soda could have done. I'd spent so long running from Tommy. But Soda just put a target on my back.

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