|Arc 1| Chapter Three.

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"Your going out tonight with us!" Says Levy, who was clutching her husbands hand.

"What? No way, I don't have the money for that. Plus, I don't wanna be a third wheel." Says Lucy.

"Come on Lu! Plus, Erza's coming and she's bringing her friend Juvia, Y'know, Gray's wife? You haven't seen him since the twins were born! And a bunch of our other friends are coming too. It'll be great for to meet them!"

"Once again, I have to save up for college." Says Lucy with an eye roll.

"Lucy, I'll pay for you! You'll be fine! I got a baby sitter to babysit the kids and everything."

"I won't let you pay for me!" Says Lucy with a frown. "Look, Lucy, it's time for you to finally find somebody. Come. Clubbing. With. Us." Says Levy.

"Fine!" She grumbles out. "But I'm paying for myself."


Lucy felt awkward. The last time she went to the club was when she had that one night stand that got her pregnant. And she didn't like to think about her past.

She looked appealing. She wore a sexy, skin tight blue dress that went above her knee.

Gajeel had went to go and greet some of the guys, so it was just Lucy and Levy going to greet Erza.

"Hm, nice to see you Lucy. Nice to know your not dead."

Lucy sighs. "I'm sorry Erza. Just work the twins and everything...I've been busy!" She says hugging her red head friend.

"So this is the Lucy Juvia's heard about?" Says a new voice.

"Oh! Lucy! This is Juvia! Gray's wife!" Says Levy. Juvia smiles and greets the blonde.

"Hi Juvia, I'm Lucy," Lucy greets.

"Lucy?" Lucy freezes.

"Uhm...h-hi Gray..." Says Lucy. Gray immediately hugs the girl who was like a sister to him.

"Your not gonna be like Erza and say your glad I'm alive?" Jokes Lucy.

"I am. It's been so long," Says Gray. Lucy hugs her boy bestfriend back.

"I've seen Nashi's singing videos on YouTube." Says Gray as they break apart.

Lucy smiles. "Yeah, just her little covers of songs." Says Lucy, being proud of her daughter.

"Gray showed Juvia those. Our son Storm, even talks about how good she and her brother is at singing. He's taken a liking to your daughter."

Lucy laughs. "All Nashi talks about is Storm. She loves his music." Says Lucy.

"She does? We should plan a meetup then!" Says Juvia smiling. Lucy nods as they exchange numbers. That would be fun.

"Okay, who else is there to meet!" Says Levy looking around. "Mira!" She calls.

Lucy turns and immediately hugs her friend.

"Nice to see you after so long Lucy. Also, your kids are pretty cute." Says Mira casually. Lucy smiles. "Yeah, yours is too." Says Lucy with a small smile. Mira had two kids. Nova, who was 15, and Ryuuji who is 13.

"Ugh, I feel like this isn't everyone..." Says Levy, still looking. "Oh yeah, she hasn't met flame brain." Says Gray seeping suddenly annoyed.

"Flame brain?" Lucy Asks, visibly confused.

"His rival." Says Juvia, suddenly becoming annoyed.

"Yo! Ice princess!" Says a voice making Lucy freeze. Was that-

"Lucy?" Asks Natsu.

"H-hi?" Says Lucy. She didn't mean for it to come out as a question.

"So, we meet again." Says Natsu with a smirk.

"Ah, yes, yes we do."

"How have you been...since-"

"I've been fine." Says Lucy.

"If I had've known you were coming I would've had you bring my scarf." Says Natsu with a smirk.

"Woah woah woah, hold up? You two know eachother?" Asks Levy, surprised as everyone else was.

"Oh long time no see Levy! How's metal eater?"

Levy rolls her eyes. "Metal eater?" Asks Lucy.

"Gajeel," corrects Levy as Lucy nods.

"So...do you wanna get a drink?" Asks Natsu as the two sit in awkward silence.

"You better say yes!" Squeals Mira.

"Sure," Says Lucy being as calm as possible. Mira and Levy would scream at her if she didn't go anyway.

"I'm so proud of her," she hears Levy say as she walks with Natsu.

After the two ordered their drinks, they decided upon just sitting at the bar stand.

"So, Tell me about yourself." Says Natsu.

Lucy takes a sip of her drink.

"Well, my name, Lucy Heartfilia. I'm 30 years old, and I'm pretty boring since all I do is write and go to work." Lucy answers.

"Your not gonna ask about me?"

"What's to know? Your Natsu Dragneel? Rich singer and CEO billionaire who a total player." Natsu laughs. "Oh? So that's why your blowing me off before I can even ask you out."

"No, that's not why." Answers Lucy.

"Then go out with me." Says Natsu, trying to look the girl in the eyes but Lucy didn't dare look up.

Lucy plays with her straw that was sitting in her drink.

"Why?" She Asks. "Why try and be with me? A girl that isn't well known, isn't a model, isn't anything important, just me. A struggling writer that made a huge mistake and ended up having two kids that she doesn't even know who the father is." Says Lucy, the pleading in her voice.

"Why not?" He Asks. "Fate brought us together, and I like you, you like me. Lets test our luck. Be with me, Lucy."

Lucy smiles. "Are you sure you want fate me? Because you'll probably have to go through my children first."

Natsu eyes widen. "Children?" He asks.

Lucy nods. "Yup. Two. Twins. It's okay though. Your expression proves everything. You don't want a girl with children." Says Lucy standing up.

"Wait!" Says Natsu, holding onto her wrist.

"Here's my phone number. Can I get yours?" Asks Natsu, quickly scribbling his on a piece of paper.

He doesn't stop does he?

Lucy rolls her eyes. She lost her phone the other night when those guys hit on her so she wrote down her house phone.

"Oh, by the way, here's your phone. You dropped it the other night." He says handing in to her.

"Thanks," says Lucy before turning around.

"Where are you going?" Asks Natsu.

Lucy turns back around to face him.

"I have to get back to my children."

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