|Arc 1| Chapter Four.

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~The Next Day~

The next morning was rush hour, thanks to Lucy still being slightly hungover from the night after.

Nonetheless she did her mommies duties. She woke the twins up and help them get ready for school all while making sure she got herself ready for work.

"Did you have fun last night mom?" Asks Nashi as she finishes flat ironing her hair.

"You could say that." Says Lucy Who was busy doing her own hair in the mirror.

"You know I hate when you do that, your killing your hair!" Complains Lucy. "It's the only way it stays down!" Whines Nashi.

"Then just wear it in ponytails like you used to."

"Well I can't! There's this new guy coming to school and Grace said he's like totally hot and she knows him! Lucky me, I get to show him around school today."

Lucy laughs at her daughters attitude. If this was who she thinks it is, then she knows that this is gonna make her day.

"Nash if you don't come down here now I'm leaving without you." Calls Luke from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a sec!" She yells back before placing the flat iron down and grabbing her bag.

"Bye mom, have a nice day at work."

Nashi walks down the stairs and follows her brother out the door.

"It's so annoying how you take forever to get ready everyday."

"And it's so annoying how your annoying!" Says Nashi mocking his voice.

"That doesn't make sense," counters Luke.

"You wouldn't say that if Grace said it." Says Nashi.

"Yeah because she's cute and your not," Says Luke looking back at his phone.

"Haha very funny. Two bad we're twins so if I'm ugly your just as ugly."

"Whatever," Luke says as he goes to greet Gale, who was walking to school with them.

"You two have another argument?" Asks Grace.

"Only because he's stupid!" Says Nashi stocking her tongue out at Luke as they approach the school.

"I think that's you," Says Luke calmly.


"Chill, you two argue more than me and Grace." Says Gale, looking up from his book.

"Do not!" They both say as they enter the school.

"Anyway, are you ready to meet him?" Asks Grace a smirk upon her face.

"Of course! Tell me how hot he is and-"

"Meet who!?" Says Luke turning to face both girls.

"The boy of my dreams," jokes Nashi.

"Not if I can help it. No dating till your twenty one!"

"Who says? Your not my mom!"

"Yeah but I'm your older brother."

Nashi laughs. "By what? Two minutes?"

"Whatever, have fun with this boy. But be careful." Says Luke slamming his locker shut and heading to class.

"Oh! Here he comes Nashi!" Says Gale smiling.

"Hey Storm!" Says Gale calling him over. Nashi almost faints.

Storm Fullbuster, was there new student?

"Nice to see you again Grace," Says Storm giving the girl a hug.

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