Moving out and moving in

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Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong went the clock meaning it is 12 o'clock!

Rose's POV

"Rose, lily down here now!" screamed miss Sarah

"we are here,"replied the girls "should we tell our story?"

"No! you tell them when you want ok."

"Ok bye miss Sarah! we will miss you!" said the girls running to there bags out the front.

"Will you really miss miss Sarah?" Asked lily

"As if I would! there's the car! start waving so they know it's us!" I replied

The car slowly pulled up Joey walked round and took the girls luggage and put it in the boot.

"There's my flower power girls!" giggled lizzy

"I can not wait," cried lily "are you serton you will look after us and not take us back? Please don't!"

"Don't worry don't worry we won't we love you! " lizzy replied cheering her up

Lizzy's POV

We drove back to the house the girls watching YouTube.

"We are here!" I called

"Wow it's massive!" a surprises lily said

"Bigger than miss Sarah's house for girls." said Rose

"Wait till you see your rooms!" laughed Joey which was a mistake the girls were no stop giggling screaming with joy when we got there we gave the tour. we got to there rooms I have lily while Joey had Rose.

"On the count of 3 open the door and enter!" I giggled

"1" i continues

"2" says Joey

"3!" shout the girls as they open the door!

"It's it's it's...."

Find out next chapter

I'm living with ldshadowlady and joey graceffaWhere stories live. Discover now