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Rose's POV

iv been ging to shool for a week now. Its great now builys. well not yet.

Ari is spending a week with us its great.

anyway i got in the shower and washed my hair. i just git out the shower when Nerd walked up to me and asked me a question.

"mummy why is my nickname Nerd?" she asked with her sweet voice.

" well pass me your hand and i will show you."  i replied picking up her hand. I placed it on my cheek and showed her that she, got her nickname becasue she was really smart and was always watching youtube.

"Thank you mummy." She sang shes a good singer.

I skipped breakfast again cus why not.

Mum dropped me and lily of at school. While lily walked over to her group of friends I walked to the wall along the edge of the school. I never tell mum this but I have no friends so I sit on the wall watching youtube and looking at picks and vids of my stars.

Bing bing bing.

Great the goes the bell. I walked into class my seat was at the back so im all alone. Its now 3 lesson it was half way through the lesson when the teacher left and lilys group of friends came towards me.

"Hey slut I herd you got knocked up ha ha slutty slut." They laughted in my face. I shouted at them to shut up but all they did was push me so I pushed them back harder then lily came over to me, then she punched me in the eye. Im not having this. I put my hand up.

"Miss miss can I go to the loo and I also need to call home." She aloud me to go. I walked to the bathroom I walked into a, cubical and pulled out my old friend miss bladey blade. I silently sang my song. Its by bars of mellody its about bulling.

As I sang I gave my self my tiger strips. I called mum and asked if I could go to a friends house. She said yes but be back before 5 as cupquakes daughter would be round and a boy from dans class. I opened the window took of my jacket. Arrr it felt good to have my wings out again. Now its time for a well desrved fly around town.

Lily' POV

Omg my friends just went up to rose and stared builling her. They dont know were related as rose has lizzies last name and  I have joeys. I looked back at my friends and saw, rose push my friend Taia. She could of pushed anyone else like elise or ashly but no she pushed Taia. I walked straght up to her and punched hed in the eye. The teacher came back soo we sat back down. Rose asked to go to the loos and as she left I saw a blade in her pocket.

Lizzie's POV

While everyone was at school I meet up with joel. The day went really fast before I knew it I was colecting the kids from school with a new boyfriend.

I'm living with ldshadowlady and joey graceffaWhere stories live. Discover now