Chapter 2: Who is she?

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Hi! So, I had promised that I would tell you a little bit about myself, so I am going to do just that! If you want to learn a little bit about me, read till the entire end! Oh, and also, this is quite a long chapter so.. just be aware. Alrighty, enjoy! - Your Author :3


Erza POV:

As usual, I am sitting down on one of the many brown and dirtied tables, only difference between this table and the others is that this specific table is often used between Gray and Natsu. When I use the word 'used', and the names Gray, and Natsu, I mean used to be fought with against. It isn't something I preferably enjoy witnessing, but I have to admit it does get quite interesting. Whenever I do catch them fighting, I always tend to kindly ask them to knock it of(yeah right, please note the sarcasm i'm using). As I wait for Natsu to come back to the guildhall from searching for his dragon named Igneel I believe, I call over the white headed 'She-Devil', and ask her a question that I hope she says yes too.

"Mira, would you mind bringing me a Strawberry Cake? With extra strawberries?" I ask, my voice speaking with kindness and patience. The 'She-Devil' makes a cute giggle and gives me a bright and cheery smile. "Coming right up! Oh, and don't bother paying, this ones on the house!(When I was typing house it autocorrected to 'boys' and I started laughing. Anyways, back to the story) I give her a grateful smile, and turn my head to face the opposite direction of the white haired mage. She then practically sashays away to the back of the bar, mainly to get me my cake, and disappears from my view.

I sigh, and my mind begins to wonder. I think about how it all happened. How my life was before Fairy Tail. Miserable. I unconsciously tug on my Heart Kruez armor to check if it's still there, and it is. Ever since the 'Tower Of Heaven" incident, I had developed a need for wearing armor, it had become uncomfortable without it. I shake my head, and feel ashamed of myself for allowing my own mind, let me note that I control, wander off to the topic which I despise most. I sigh, again, and try to think of positive topics.

'I think it would be pretty nice if we had received a new member'. As if I was on cue, Natsu had emerged from the door, and he was wearing his brightest smile. "Yo!" People ignore him and focus on something, or someone behind him. I try my best to look over Natsu, and I see a gorgeous, happy girl. She has the most amazing, deep brown, chocolate eyes. Her hair, oh god her hair. It was a shimmering, stunning gold shade. My eyes darted over to her plump, and nice pink lips. 'Those lips.. they're lips that I could kiss nonstop and always feel passion..' I brushed off my thoughts, and could feel the blush creeping up on my face. My cheeks(face, please don't tell me you thought that's okay, I kinda thought that too..i'll go home.) were starting to blend in with my hair, so then I looked away to keep anyone from noticing. "Oh yeah, this is Luigi, she wants to join!" 'Her name is Luigi??' "Okay, first off, my name is NOT Luigi, it's Lucy!" 'Oh of course, how foolish of me to believe a goddess like her was named Luigi. Lucy.. a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.' "Second, I would love to join, if I am allowed." She stated. "Of course a beauty like you would be allowed.." I quietly speak under my breath so nobody would've heard me. "Why, Hello! If you would like to join, please follow me!" Mira or the 'She-Devil' says kindly. Lucy follows her to where it looks as if Mira is leading her to the Masters office. My hunch was correct, just then Mira hand-gestured for Lucy to enter, to which she did. I couldn't help but think about her in more ways than one. The way her hair glistens and shimmers, the way her eyes show passion and love, and the way her lips so perfectly curve into a beautiful smile. I also wonder about how my lips could perfectly fit onto hers.

  My imagination soon takes the best of me, and before I knew it, Lucy was already sitting down with Mira. I look at her and notice all of her features. Her luscious lips, those deep and calming eyes, that golden, swaying hair, and her other features. I then see her large chest, and as if on cue, she catches me watching her and I immediately start blushing like a madwoman. I look away from her; then from my peripheral vision I see her glancing at me then looking away with a tad bit of blush on her face.

  'I want to get closer to her. She is already making my heart skip beats, and is also already making me feel this heat in my face. What kind of sorcery is this?'


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this little chapter from the POV of Erza! Anyways, let me begin to talk about myself. —>

•I love animals, and own two dogs. Both males, but different breeds. One is a husky, the other is a west highland white terrier(westie)
•I LOVE SHANE DAWSON AND WATCH HIS VIDEOS ALL THE TIME, but sadly he hasn't posted anything yet. He is still alive, i've seen his instagram posts!
•I am an allstar cheerleader, and am also currently trying to do volleyball.
•I am a female with brown hair, and brown eyes
•I will not say my age to strangers or online, so, that's a fact
•I started watching Fairy Tail in 2011, and immediately loved it
•I watch Pretty Little Liars all the time, and my family always tells me I look like Spencer and act like her
•When i'm excited, i'll talk a lot
•I have an older brother, and an older sister, so I am the youngest in my family. (Not including the animals I own)
•I like playing Call of Duty, Black Ops 3, and usually are playing Zombie Mode.


Well, that's enough I think, so i'm going to end it here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you got at least some information on your author! I'll see you later, I. need. sleep. Good day. - Your Author :3

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