Here To Stay | Jennie

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Jennie x fem!reader:

In which Jennie's biggest fear was losing you, but she could only give so much.

Word count——>1.1k

Genre——> fluff, a tiny bit of angst



Jennie really did feel the safest in your arms.

Even after traveling most of the world, discovering new places, new things, people, experiences. Jennie still craved the warm familiarity that was your affection. You were something so particular in her heart that she never wanted to let go, a sense of acceptance and longevity that she could always count on to make the worst of days a little more bearable. The crushing pressure of always being perfect in the public eye diminished in front of you, finally taking a break from the facade of flawlessness and unravel in the truth that she loved you.

Jennie continued to fall deeper into your world, even if it meant hurting more when she had to leave. Her heart ached in those long extended periods of times when promoting when all she wanted was you. The thoughts of you lingering in her vacant brain along with the bubbling sentiments of missing the time you were in her presence, it once again only make her job harder. She was supposed to be happy with her life, but how could she ever when you weren't with her?

The clouds of doubt that your relationship could ever last because of her job only made it harder. Jennie didn't want to fall this hard, se never intended it to be that way. Her relationship with you was made up of only playful and tender moments, lacking in the thought of the long term. But, Jennie still felt as her heart beat for you.

After the extremely long months of BLACKPINK's world tour, Jennie took advantage of her rare break and spent her days off with you. You didn't object, allowing Jennie too fully make herself at home in your apartment for a while. In a way, it was like you two were mirroring a couple in a normal relationship—apart from dates in public. But, it was sustainable. You didn't like going out, Jennie would be mobbed seen in public due to her status. So, it ended up working out.

Today was like any other, you and Jennie intertwined on the couch with her head on your chest, Netflix playing in the background. Except, Jennie wasn't focusing on the bright TV like you were, she was steadily listening to your heartbeat, taking careful note that moments like these are a rarity. Her break was eventually going to end, and she was going to return to the hellish schedule—far away from you. It hurt, knowing these bittersweet moments are only temporary. Jennie could only provide you with short bursts of time—this break being an exception. You were eventually going to get bored, or fed up with her, leaving like another understandably would.

But Jennie didn't want you to leave, she wanted you to stay and be the anchor she needed in her life. The racing images of the forsaken moment of you getting up and never talking to her again found a place in Jennie's dreams. Her arms that were wrapped around your waist only tightened, and she buried her face into your neck. You thought nothing of it, accustomed to Jennie's clinginess.

That is until, you felt the warm tears wet your shirt. It alarmed you immediately, why the hell would Jennie be crying? Did you upset her? Did you do something? It wasn't the first you've seen her cry, but, this time it seemed a little unprecedented that she would just start crying while watching a random thriller on TV. You gently and carefully nudged the Korean girl, sitting the both of you up. Jennie sniffled, still hiding her face in the crook of your neck.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Your hand made it's way to her back, where you rubbed circles soothingly. A weak muffled sob came from Jennie, with more sniffles following.

"Jennie?" You said voice laced with worry. You grabbed a hold of Jennie's shoulders, taking her away from your chest and now facing you directly. Your eyes searched her face, where her weary eyes and damp cheeks made its way to your vision in the dark room. She looked down, like a guilty child avoiding eye contact.

"Jennie." You firmed up, cupping her cheek into your palm, "tell me what's wrong." Your lips set in a firm line, waiting patiently for a response. She choked back a sob, gulping while finally looking you straight in your eyes shakily.

"I love you." Her voice came out in a weak tone, on the verge of breaking.

You sat confused for a couple of seconds, before taking out of it and wiping the tears off her face with the pad of your thumb, "I love you too Jen, but still, why are you crying?" Jennie shook her head, looking back at the floor.

"No, you don't understand. I'm in love with you." Her meek voice was still on the edge, like she was going to fall apart. You still sat, eyebrow knitting together in puzzlement.  Jennie took the initiative, her shaking hand covering the one on your face, taking a deep breath.

"I don't feel whole without you." Her cat-like eyes snapped up to yours, "Your just gonna end up leaving me like everyone else."  Jennie confessed, you intended to object but Jennie piped up before you had the chance.

"It'd never really affect me—when they left." her breath shook, "b-but you leaving would only break me." A tear escaped her eye watery eye, "I'm so in love with you Y/N it hurts." A final sob escaped from her lips. Your hands grabbed hers, fingers interlacing.

"Who said I was gonna leave you?"

"You're gonna realize there's someone much better than me out there, who can give you all the time in the world, who you can hold hands and kiss you in public-" The girl sputtered out, but you cut her off with your lips locking onto hers, showing intense passion through the heat and pressure. You broke it before she had the chance to kiss you back, your forehead resting on hers.

"Jennie, " you began, "that doesn't matter to me. As long as I have you, I'm happy." You pecked her lips once more, but Jennie followed it up with another deep kiss, taking her time to properly show you the love she had. You broke the kiss, leaving both of you panting from loss of breath.

"I'm here to stay." You confessed. Jennie grinned, throwing her hands around your neck.

"Me too." She murmured, kissing you once again haughtily.

Jennie slept awfully well that night in your arms, and for many more to come. After all, she was immersed in you.


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Ok ok I seriously just want to say I'm so fucking sorry. Like I feel so bad for not updating for close to a month and not telling you guys about why. My explanation for all this is going to be in my next chapter which is sadly gonna be an announcement of hiatus for a short while :((( I feel so goddamn bad I apologize so immensely. Anyway here's a pile of trash that I literally wrote in 3 hours while I was supposed to be sleeping. Feel free to call me a dickbag I will agree.

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