
10.6K 304 156

Started: June 6th 2019
Finished: January 15th 2021

Before You Start

The Short and The Furious is rated mature for a reason, there is practically everything being mentioned/showed in this book. So just a warning, there won't be any warnings ;)

(Beside this one of course)

Thanks for reading:

The Short and The Furious


Me and my roommate are walking side by side.

Now this usually doesn't happen, and I have to run just to keep up with Ares, but a his twin best friends broke into our apartment.

They stole my favorite bra, his favorite sweatshirt and our dog, which is sort of funny but really pissed Ares off since and I quote "Nobody messes with what's mine and get's away with it."

Given Conner and Logan were drunk when it happens and Blink, our cute little golden Siberian husky puppy, loves them.

The Reeds are still in for one hell of a night -or morning, since Ares dragged me out of bed at two am just to get our things back.

Or Blink, since I know that since we got the little dumb blond boy they haven't slept apart once.

Ares has soft spots, it's really hard to get there but once you're in, you're in.

I got into his soft spot after my boss hit me, seeing as I used to work at a bar, and came home crying. Ares cleaned me up, help me quit my job and get a new one at a coffee shop instead.

We've been living together since we first started college, our room mates started dating at the same time. They moved into my dorm and I moved into Ares's door.

Then they broke up but by then we both liked how things were set up, liked our routine, how quiet we were, our silent movie nights and how literally every thing in our dorm got done.

So we kept living together, and when we finished our first year of college we got a apartment.

Now here we are, four years later about to graduate Yale Law together, and we're still living together in the same apartment.

The rent here is great, even if it wasn't we're both relatively wealthy, so we'd be fine.

We're not close per say, but we know a lot about each other.

Most of our time is spent in silence, just soaking up each other's presence while we do our own thing.

Me and Ares found Blink under a hot dog cart on campus, nobody else saw him, or at least they didn't care. He couldn't have been more than three days old and was left to die, thanks to my short height and Ares-the-animal-lover we were able to save him.

Blink was named Blink because of my favorite band, Blink 182 -Ares's idea.

I wanted to name him Apollo because he's golden and then we'd have two gods in the house, but that didn't happen.

Ares is too controlling, well...not as controlling than dominate.

The man drips confidence and one cold, hard glare added onto a smirk is enough to make most peoples knees weak.

People are scared of him, and avoid him as much as possible.

On the other hand I'm a push over and try to be as nice as possible because I know first hand what being mean can do to some people.

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