Chapter Sixteen

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After introducing everyone to their cars- -and Anton checks everyone's license just for insurance reasons in case they crashed or the cops came knocking, Anton and the cops hate each other even though he does work for them in multiple ways- -we gathered everyone on the side of the race track where they can watch the cars go by. 

Here is the only place there's a concrete wall for the car to hit instead of a wall that has a air compartment inside it and pressurized exterior so the car slows down then bounces back without rolling. It's the most dangerous place on the track, just to keep anyone watching safe.

Anton had this installed when one of his foster kids spun out and hit another, breaking their leg.

I think me and him both are worried about a few of the newbies crashing into this section of the wall, it's right after a turn and easy to spin into. It's also really, really easy to get hurt when this happens. 

These cars aren't safe like NASCAR's cars, they're just regular cars that can go really really fast.

If I'm reading Anton right, he's worried about Conner. Valentino seems to be worried about Livia and Camilla, but a little scared of Angie -which I find rather hilarious. Then again, I've seen him run full speed away from a dog that didn't even reach the middle of his calf, screaming like he was scared for his life. 

One foster home we were in had really vicious dogs, and we were there for nearly nine months. Though they didn't use the dogs to hurt us, they did use the dogs to scare us. This was when I started to get scared of storms, because I'd be forced to go on the porch with the barking dogs when it was raining.

I'm older than Valentino, but Anton is older than us both. He was the one that kept us together through the system, and if he couldn't join us he made sure that Val and me were always together. He taught Val how to do it, since once we were apart for more than four months. If we ever asked how he did it, since he taught Valentino to go to the case worker in a really safe way but he always got hurt from it, he told us not to worry about it.

We always worried about it.

My Mustang, Valentino's galaxy colored Firebird and Anton's car- -a black Baltana Lamborghini Centenario Coupe, with a red honeycomb pattern over it that is by far one of the sexist cars I have ever seen. One he only races with when he's serious about winning, which we both are.

I'm trying to show Ares that racing is okay, that I love it, since his first experience with it was when I was racing for Val, and it was a really dangerous situation. While Anton is trying to win to impress Conner, and to beat me.

So I'm trying to beat Anton, Anton is trying to beat me and Valentino is just trying his hardest to keep up with the both of us. 

Poor Val.

Seems like this knowledge is annoying my lovely best friend too, because he's currently glowering between me and Anton and pouting like a annoyed child. "I hate you both."

"Sì, sì. We love you too." Anton says, smirking widely at him. "Ready to race? Ever?"

Valentino shrugs, rolling his eyes when I smile brightly at both of them. "I'm ready and I really want to start! I haven't raced like this in awhile, like three years ago is the last time all three of us raced together -right?"

"Yea, about that time."

"You know it's still really weird to me not to race with a arma to our heads." Valentino says, catching the otherwise divided attention of everyone around. Ares steps up behind me, both hands coming to my hips. "Oops. Sort of didn't mean to say that out loud."

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