Scene Two

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*Grayson's POV*

We walked out of our apartment and down the stairs to the parking lot. We got in our only car because we could only afford one. It took us about ten minutes to get to school so we had an extra five minutes until class started.

As we walked into school the first thing we see is Jack, Jack Dail. The king of our school and most important the biggest assclown of our school. And of course, he was with his sidekick Aaron Carpenter. Ethan and I hated them but somehow everyone else loved them. Either that or they were afraid of them.

Jack: Hey pretty boys

Ethan: What the hell do you guys want?

Ethan hated Jack the most even more than I did. Jack and Aaron used to be friends but Jack started to get jealous of Ethan. So instead of being a friend to Ethan, he acted like a dick.

Jack: Watch who you're talking to pretty boy. You don't want to end up with my fist in your face. *smirks*

Ethan said nothing he just stood with his jaw clenched.

Gray: Come on E. Lets just go.

Aaron: Yeah you better run.

Aaron said that to make himself seem cool but it wasn't working.

Ethan and I walked away without saying anything.

Ethan: Ugh. Why do they have to be such dicks?

Gray: Who knows.

Ethan: Well I'm definitely going to beat the shit out of them one day.

Gray: Only in your dreams.

Ethan: Oh shut up. Come on, class is about to start.   

A/N DAMN I updated two in one day that's impressive.  Also sorry that this one is short. I'M LAZY and as Ethan Dolan would say DEAL WITH IT. :)

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