The following introduction to Susan’s book is a blog by Rob Rennie
which gives a very good summary of what Jesus is calling us to do,
in getting close to Him and to be counted worthy for the rapture and
for heaven. Please read, understand, and obey. It is a great deal
more important than you may currently realize.
( Used By Permission )
Posted on Aug 22, 2012 in The Supernatural Blog by Rob Rennie
Who is Jesus Going to Take With Him?
The ever-present question, whether you’re a Christian, or not is,
“How do you get into Heaven?’ which is really, ‘Who is Jesus going to take with Him to Heaven?’ Getting into Heaven, according to God’s Word, is not an easy task.
In fact, only few will enter.
The Bible also says, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”This is probably one of the most, if not the most, sobering warnings
in the Bible regarding getting into Heaven. If even the people who’ve
called themselves Christians in this life, who’ve worked miracles in
Jesus’ name may not be going, then the number who will actually
enter in seems to be critically low.
But the key to this whole passage lies in the verse directly preceding
the warning, in Matthew 7:21. “Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”Question: “Who is Jesus going to take with Him to Heaven?”
Answer: “The one who does the will of the Father. The key is doing the Father’s will!”
How do you find out what the Father’s will is? Recently, I’ve come across a fantastic book called, “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” by Susan Davis. She has a website that discusses the end times and the rapture.
Susan Davis happens to be one of those people who can really hear
the Lord amazingly well and she regularly gets entire letters and in
the case of this book, entire manuscripts dictated to her by the Lord.
In the book, the Lord tells her about how the people should prepare
for the Rapture and for eternal life in general. The main point the
Lord makes is that we should be 100% living for the Lord and that
anything less than 100% is considered ‘lukewarm’ and will result in
eternal damnation.
By the way, if you’re skeptical about whether these revelations are
really from the Lord, as you should be because we are supposed to test the spirits, I urge you to look at other testimonies by various other people around the world and compare the syntax and style with the content in the letters dictated to Susan.What you’ll find is they are near identical and they in no way contradict the Word of God.
Anyhow, getting back to knowing God’s will, the first thing we have
to realize is that God doesn’t expect us all to become ordained and start a church because as the verse above states, it’s not about that and many of the people who do this are still going to hell because they’ve overlooked one critical fact.
The critical fact that nearly everyone is missing is that they don’t
spend enough intimate time with the Lord ! How can you possibly
know what the Lord’s will is if you don’t spend time with Him?
This is why the Lord says in the above verse, ‘I never knew ye,” keyword, “knew” meaning to actually know someone from having spent time with them.
Who is Jesus to you? If Jesus is nothing more than a historical figure to you, or a concept, or an idea, than you obviously don’t know the Lord Jesus and your soul is in danger.
The first thing you have to recognize is that Jesus/Holy Spirit/God
(to be used interchangeably) is spirit and that He is a living God. He
is also a relational God and He created you to be intimate with Him.
This means you were created to know God on a personal level, through prayer, reading your Bible, and spending time with God every day away from all the distractions of the world.
The moment you allow the cares of the world to supersede your
number one priority, which should be to follow God’s will, you show
yourself to be full of pride, thinking that you know better than God
when it comes to how you should live your life.How could you know better than God when it was God who created
you and in fact created your life?? The Word of God says the Lord has designs for your life, plans to prosper you, not to hurt you. We can’t even comprehend the destruction that we create by ignoring God’s will, which is really the destiny that God has for us.
This is why being out of step with God’s will is rebellion to God and
what I would call the number one pitfall for every human being on
earth and unfortunately, falling into it means you have more in common with satan than you do with God. This is why it leads people to hell.
How in the world are we supposed to spend intimate time with God
if He’s spirit and not physical?? Okay, calm down. Everything is
going to be okay. If you’re feeling uneasy or unsure about whether
you’ll be going to Heaven or not, I’m going to walk you through what
you can start doing today in order to learn how to spend intimate
time with God, learn what His will, or destiny is for your life and be
with Him forever in Heaven.
*Note: And remember, just because God isn’t physical doesn’t
mean He’s not real, or has a presence that you can feel and a
personality that you can get to know.
1) Set aside time every morning to pray to God and spend time
with Him.
Ask Him what His will for your life is for that particular day and then
do it. Do this every morning. If you do this, He will make Himself
known to you and He will start speaking to your heart. You won’t
necessarily hear His answers, but you will feel them, especially if you do this regularly and learn how to be in God’s presence and discern His voice.2) Let God in on what you’re thinking/experiencing/feeling
every moment of the day.
Sometimes, we forget that God is always watching us, so we do things we know we shouldn’t do. This is why it’s good to always remind yourself that God really is watching over us, not in a creepy voyeuristic kind of way, but in a concerned parent kind of way. I like to have a running dialogue with God throughout the day, sharing my thoughts and opinions on different things and checking with Him to see if I’m in sync with Him or not. No matter what I’m doing, whether it’s lifting weights, watching a movie, or spending time with friends, thinking about making a big decision in my life, I include God in every thing I do. If you do this, you’ll find that there are many ways God speaks to you.
3) Read the Word on a regular basis.
This is something I have to get better about, but the reason you read the Word is quite simply to get to know what God’s personality is like and what He expects from us. You get to know God by knowing what He says and what He does, just like you would a person. It just so happens that the Bible is a record of the things God says and what He does, so it’s important that we read it. Ask
the Holy Spirit to reveal certain things in the Bible to you which may
at first glance seem complex. That’s what the Holy Spirit is for.
Okay, now what? Once you’ve done that, you should be well on
your way to having an intimate relationship with the Lord, but you
have to work at it, just like everything else.
If you don’t hear God speaking to you the very first time, don’t just
give up. Keep pursuing God’s face.One of the things that creates a division between us and God is sin,
so make sure you repent of all your sin. If you’re not sure what you
have to repent for, ask God and He’ll tell you in the form of mental
pictures, words, or feelings.
Something else that I emphasize on this blog is the need to do prayer intercession to cut through the thick blanket of evil that exists in so many places around the world. Intercession is where you pray without ceasing until, in the spirit, you breakthrough this blanket and at that point, have a much easier time being intimate with God.
Without all the demonic distractions and such.
Next chance you get, wake up, brush your teeth and then grab a
piece of paper and a pencil. Sit down on the ground, raise your hands up to the sky and pray to God. Throughout the course of this prayer, you should ask God what His will is for you. When He tells you what it is, make sure you write it down.
Then do it! Simple as that. Rest easy in the knowledge that God’s perfect will consists of the decisions you yourself might make if you were all-knowing and all-powerful and had knowledge of the future. Since you can’t really hold a candle to any of that, the smartest thing you can do is trust God’s will for your life knowing He wants the best for you.
============== End Of Blog By Rob Rennie =============
Ready for Rapture
Não FicçãoTotal Surrender and Adoration - Prophetic Messages dictated to Susan Davis "The hour is approaching of MY Return for the church. It closes in. Each day, I draw nearer. The Season is now! You are in the season to be watching closely. This is not the...