Transcript of Donna McDonald's Presentation given at The LORD's End Time Prophecy Conference, August 16, 2014, Indianapolis, IN-SACREDNESS OF THE NAME OF GOD (and also follow up confirmations given by Susan Davis):
I read my Bible Sunday morning August 3, 2014, upstairs as I like to do first thing when I wake up. Then I went down stairs and with my head covered and kneeling I prayed and said to the LORD, "You know my heart and you know my limitations and you know the needs of the people. Please give me a message for them." And in tongues which I could not distinguish and with great fervor the HOLY SPIRIT took over and prayed a most energetic and egregious and exceptional prayer for you for some time. HE was emphatic. I had absolutely no idea what HE was going to say. I get excited to hear what the HOLY SPIRIT is going to give to me to speak when I go to a conference. HE normally says very beautiful and amazing and loving things. What HE is saying here is very serious and I was in shock when I heard HIM speak. Here are the Words the LORD is saying to you, all of you not only conference goers, following this appeal to HIS FATHER by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Here is what HE has to say to you:
MY children, this is the LORD speaking. I AM your FATHER and Friend. I AM the Best Thing that ever happened to you. When I died on the cross late in that day on the hill of Golgotha and gave up MY GHOST to MY FATHER and drew MY Last Breath I became the very Best Thing that ever happened to you. But I want to tell you one or more things and that is: the world is mocking their GOD and is making a bed of thorns to lie onto and to go down a slippery slope into the depth of hell for themselves.
The world is an enmity to ME. I have given MY Life and MY ALL to the world, my children of the world, and they stand in line to pay to have ME mocked. They do it every time they go to a movie theater with the exception of very few movies, GOD is NOT DEAD being one example.
They do it most every time they open a book and most every time they turn on the TV, every billboard, every notice in the newspaper, every salutation. and explanation.
Most every one of these times the people who I call MY children open their mouths and out of it comes something unholy and mocking to their GOD, ME. I can no longer tolerate this. How long would your earthly father tolerate a mouth that is mocking and disrespectful and ugly and sinful pointed towards him? How many times would your earthly mother I have given you, sit aside and watch their own sons and daughters ruin their lives?
Well, I am a GOD that can tolerate none of this anymore. I have had enough. I have had it up to MY Eyebrows and MY FATHER who knows everyone's heart is hearing it and smelling the stench in the throne room and HE has had enough. WE are your FATHER and WE are ready to give you all a good spanking. WE are ready to get out the rod and spank the world and the people in it for the disrespect that my daughter and her ears and MY Ears and MY FATHER's Ears have had to listen to. I have given this daughter a desire for clean and wholesome and holy talk and she has been privy to all of you children who call ME by Name and call ME your FATHER but you insist on using omg and oh my gosh and golly and g--d-- and the like. I have had enough of it and I am ready to get out the rod and give you all a spanking even those who call yourselves MY bride. Shame on you, children, get out the soap tonight and place it in your own mouth.
Every one of you have soap in your hotel rooms and every one of you have soap in your homes. If your mouths were as antiseptic as your soaps I would not be having these conversations with you, children. I am your FATHER and I love you lest I let you fall into the pits of hell for blaspheming MY HOLY NAME and the NAME of MY HOLY FATHER WHO is in the Throne Room listening to this conference right now. HE has had it and will start applying the rod of discipline the next time you carelessly use MY HOLY Name in vain.
You have been warned, do not come crying to ME If MY FATHER applies the rod of discipline to the seat of knowledge. I am a Loving GOD but a firm and just GOD as well. I cannot let this go on any longer. I have had it with you. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN
Daughter you may sit down now as your responsibility to speak at this conference is over. You have been used to apply the rod of discipline to MY children. AMEN, go sit down.
In response to the Letter Donna received August 3, 2014 regarding the misuse of the LORD's HOLY NAME, her Letter from the LORD was prayed over by Susan Davis and this is what HE had to say through her August 19, 2014:
This problem of "loose lips" is deep and wide and far among church goers. They will live to regret it. The hour is coming. I will not allow this filthy church, this church that misuses MY Name to come unto ME. So many do not see the error of their way. MY Words hold no weight in their mind and heart. There is no value to what I am teaching them. They have completely given themselves over to the world that they have and embrace.
MY children you are witnessing an end of an era. This church age is about to end. I am about to call an end to it. I am about to bring out MY bride and leave the lukewarm church behind. She will then know she had blasphemed her GOD. She is MY church of ill repute. She wants to grab all MY glory and display it in all her own wicked ways.
They are not even mindful of MY Will. They walk all the way around MY Will seeking their own will. They rush to sin. They run to wickedness. They have their own filth. They fill their minds with such evil and corruption. I can no longer look upon this church. I am sickened and ill by this church that uses MY Name so coarsely. I am about to spew them out of MY mouth. I cannot take this abomination any longer.
I am a GIVER of life and death. I am HOLY, I walk HOLY. I am going to have MY Way with those who disregard ME. Their disregardful way will be met with destruction. Let this church tremble in fear. MY church must submit to ME, surrender their all and work out their salvation with fear and trembling. MY Words have not changed. They are the same today as yesterday. The church has changed but I have not changed. They have altered their ways to please themselves but I have not changed My Ways. I am still a GOD of purity and holiness and I demand respect from MY children, respect for MY Name, respect for MY Ways, respect for MY Truth.
This is all in the Words I have spoken in MY book. You are a witness to MY Words. Where three are gathered together HE is in our midst. Put the Words out, make them known. I will continue to warn the harlot church.
Susan Davis prayed over this message with Donna McDonald on August 13, 2013. This is what the LORD had to say to her about the message that Donna just delivered regarding misuse of HIS HOLY NAME:
My ears burn when my children do this. It saddens and angers ME.
They are so ill prepared to come into MY Glory. They must come into the light and become clean. They must clean their garments of this disgraceful filth, of this pollution of the mouth. Their words must be pleasing to ME and not offensive. MY Name must be revered, hallowed.We asked if there are any Words Donna and I use that are displeasing to HIM. HE said: Try to refrain from even using phrases like, oh my goodness. It has a hint of using My Name... Soon after HE said this I heard 'expletive deletive' referring to these, 'oh my goodness' phrases'. The LORD is angry over this misuse of HIS Holy Name.
Words given from the LORD to Susan Davis, August 13, 2014--
Ready for Rapture
Non-FictionTotal Surrender and Adoration - Prophetic Messages dictated to Susan Davis "The hour is approaching of MY Return for the church. It closes in. Each day, I draw nearer. The Season is now! You are in the season to be watching closely. This is not the...