(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, June 8, 2014)
I am ready to give you new Words:
I am a GOD WHO is always present. I can be found at any moment.
MY children just need to call on MY Name. There is nothing that I cannot change or do. Nothing is impossible for ME, GOD.
You must learn to move in MY Will. You must embrace what is MY Will. How do I do this, you may ask, "How can I be in Your Will?"
This is the way to operate in MY Will: I want you to come before ME in humble submission: get before ME and surrender your life to ME.
You do not need to know what this means specifically. You just must need to have a strong desire to operate in MY Will, to run in MY Will. This is all I need from you. I need your desire to be in MY Will to want to do what I ask from day to day: to know from this day forward that you are in line with the Will of GOD.
All you need to do is express this to ME daily. Just seek ME for this desire and I will give this to you. Repent of your sin daily and frequently, read MY Word, MY Holy Book. Seek ME in the quiet moments of the day, let me comfort you and be with you all day.
Ask ME for a complete filling of MY SPIRIT and HE will come and live in you and lead you. You will never be alone.
This is the desire of MY Heart, for you to walk closely with your LORD, for "your will" to be in align with MY Will, for us to be in one mind and one SPIRIT, for us to be like-minded and then great and wonderful things can be accomplished for MY Kingdom on earth and the Kingdom to come.
Come and share in the Greatness of your GOD. I have many things I want to open up to you. Your life was not an accident. I created you with a goal in mind. Come let us share in the wonders I have in store for you. All this can be yours if you deny yourself of your own will which is the will of MY enemy: the will you operate in outside of MY Will.
Come and be part of the Great Kingdom of GOD and the wonders that await you. This can all be yours. I will not keep anything from you. All that is MINE will be yours. Come and share in the Glory of your GOD, your KING. Time is short, choose for ME. I love you with an "Endless Love." These Words are for you today, cherish and embrace MY Words.
This is your Loving GOD...The KING without end...HOPE
EVERLASTING...Coordinating Scripture:
Luke 1:37 (KJV): For with GOD nothing shall be impossible.
Acts 2:21 (KJV): And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the LORD shall be saved.
Matthew 7:21 (KJV): Not everyone that saith unto ME, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven.
Luke 12:32 (KJV): Fear not, little flock; for it is your FATHER's Good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
(Susan said she saw in her spirit right after this letter: I saw a little vision and I saw myself and I saw actual words swirling around me like in a whirlwind.)
Ready for Rapture
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