-2 : Not a happy ending nor the end of the world

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As I followed the worried little scientist down an intricate sequence of passageways, I noticed the colours of this bright, happy world become a little more drab, the spider webs becoming a little more noticeable and more of the sunlight refusing to dig this deep. She scuttled down the caves sticking to the light and whimpering every time she saw a dark shadow move.

Optimistic as I tried to be, I couldn't help but worry as we got further and further into the dark, and painful sobs drifted up from below. How could one person cause such a blemish in our bright, joyous world?

Soon we reached an opening and the sight was melancholy. Right in the middle, cradled in a sea of black, was the girl who had caused this depression. Her tears trickled down to the water below her and her cries only grew louder with every step closer. On a bridge, we noticed a dark statue of a man who gave us a quiet shake of a head before staring back out at the girl.

"He was her lover, back when she was happy." The scientist explained quietly "Now, too grief stricken to leave, he watches over her as she cries and cries. She is so consumed by the darkness that it has started consuming everything around her too." At the scientists hushed words the girl picked up her head, staring warily into the dark where we stood.

When she spoke, her voice shook, a raspy sound spent by the weeks of almost constant weeping.
"Who are you? Why are you here?" The man shook his head at us again. I stepped forward, further away from the light.

"My name is Elena. I'm here to help you? You're sadness seems to be... spreading."
The girl just stared on, expression still sad.
"There's no way you can help me." Her raspy voice this time was cold, and it's power seemed to chill my very heart.
"Please. At least let us try. Talk to us for a while, maybe come over here." She shook her head, turning away. The scientist stepped backwards, defeated. It seemed the darkness was affecting her, too.

The girl's physical appearance seemed timid from where I stood, the years of happiness proving no match for the dark which now warped it and turned her smiles to trickling tears.

Happy Endings, The End Of The World and Other Peculiar MelancholiesWhere stories live. Discover now