1. Coworkers

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Bakugo's P.O.V-

The sky was a beautiful light gray color and the rain it was producing looked like it was straight out of a stupid romance film, you know the part where one of the protagonists admits how they really feel to the other protagonist and they have to have their obligatory kiss in the rain... yeah, that part.  As much as I hate to admit it weather like this made me feel safe and warmed my spirits, as oxymoronic as that sounds.

I watched as half and half checked that the villain we had been chasing was actually caught and couldn't break out from the ice he had encased her in. She had some sort of strength enhancing quirk and had been trying to steal from the bank when we arrived on the scene. Luckily we got there just in time, we had already stopped six other separate villains today alone. Talking about Peppermint, well we found ourselves working together a lot since our quirks complimented each other so well while in battle.

Just as I was about to walk closer to double check the walking candy cane's work I realized I was stuck. "DAMN IT ICY HOT! YOU FROZE MY FEET TO THE GROUND!" I couldn't help but be angry, usually he was much more careful and better at controlling his quirk so I couldn't help but be disappointed that the only real competition I had was acting sloppy.

"apologies" he smoothly said as he walked towards me. Pretty soon he was right in front of me. This was the closest we'd ever been, his nose was about half an inch away from touching mine. I could feel goosebumps raising on my arms as he got on his knees. Sixteen year old me would have loved this. Before I could form an even dirtier thought I watched as he placed his palm on the ground and used his heat quirk to slowly melt the ice.

"wh-whatever just don't do it again!" I couldn't help but notice he was taking his time, I had seen him melt ice the size of skyscrapers in mere seconds since graduating from UA, so why the hell was this taking so long?

He slowly got back up as soon as the ice was all gone and was face to face with me once more. Regrettably my heart couldn't help but race. "Relax Katsuki. We got the villain didn't we." He said with a wry smile then began walking back towards where the villain was frozen.

"Took you long enough. Getting slow in your old age half & half?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. He was only like two or three months older than me but I loved making fun of him for it. He turned to face me and gave me a wicked smirk. "Not at all. You just looked so cute while you were still. I didn't want to ruin the moment." He said before walking off to control the crowd  already forming in the small alleyway to see what was going on.

I couldn't help blush a bit while he wasn't looking. I knew he was just being sarcastic but damn it he was smooth. It'd been three years since we graduated from UA. We both worked for Genius Office, an agency owned and controlled by Best Jeanist, so I got to watch the bastard gradually get over his shyness and become even more sarcastic and smooth talking than he already was, and damn did the media eat that shit up.

As soon as the police arrived I gave them the gist of what happened and told them all about what we believed the villain's quirk to be. As soon the main officer in charge got the quirk halting handcuffs out of her patrol car I walked over towards Todoroki so he could melt some of the ice.

It took a few minutes to get to him since at this point he had already been consumed by reporters and regular civilians, there was a much bigger crowd than usual this time which was odd. Usually the media were out trying to find Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady so they could squeeze as many details from their upcoming wedding out of them.

Since superheroes were so common most people only cared about gossip when it came to us, they didn't really care when we arrested regular everyday criminals. Peppermint and ponytail bitch probably set a date for their wedding already and the gossip journalists want the scoop on it.

Although, that couldn't have been further from the truth.

"Shoto! Shoto! Can you give us a statement on you and Creati's sudden break up?" I heard someone yell. Break up? But they're perfect for each other... "Shoto did you guys only break off the engagement or did you guys break up all together?" Another voice asked. "Shoto! Any comment on Creati and Vine being spotted in civilian clothes kissing yesterday?" Yet another voice asked.

When I finally got close enough to look at half & half he looked flustered. The crowd probably couldn't tell but I had spent enough time around him to know when he was nervous or annoyed, and right now he was feeling both of those emotions.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! IF YOU'LL EXCUSE US WE HAVE ACTUAL WORK TO DO."I yelled, which instantly got everyone to be quiet. If I'm really being honest the sudden quiet had nothing to do with the words I spoke, it was me in general, the media hates me and I mean hates me.

Something about me being "extremely volatile", "rude", "prone to violent outbursts", and "hard to work with." Personally I never understood what the big deal was, after all we were heroes to stop villains and keep the peace not to be dancing monkeys for the masses. The half and half bastard shot me a thankful look and started to make his way out of the thick crowd.

"Thanks." He said once we were out of range. "Yeah well, the media can be a bitch. Only downside of the job if you ask me." I replied trying to sound as cool about it as possible, truly I was a bit annoyed but if what those idiots were saying was true icy hot was most likely going to feel like shit due to the break up and his ex moving on so quickly, me being a dick to him would only be the icing on top of a very depressing cake so I went against my natural need to be an asshole towards everyone and anyone.

I stood next to the officers and watched as Shoto- damn it, icy hot, unfroze the top half of the thief. Two of the officers next to me quickly made their way over towards Shoto and the incapacitated girl so they could hand cuff her. "Thanks for your work heroes, it's a pleasure to serve along side you." The main officer in charge said to me with a smile, which I made sure to return, before heading off to help escort the villain into one of the police vehicles.

I couldn't help but stare as the peppermint idiot made his way towards me, hands in his pant pockets and a goofy grin plastered on his beautiful face. Beautiful face?

Oh my lord shut the fuck up Bakugo! Get your shit together my guy.

"Ready to head back?" He asked once he was standing in front of me. "Yeah, it was a long day, I'm drenched in sweat. I need a shower desperately." I replied as we began to walk back towards the agency.

"It can't be that bad. You sweat nitroglycerin, your sweat smells like cinnamon. You're a walking cinnamon roll!" He said with a chuckle. "You're so irritating." I playfully shot back.

I hated the way his words made me feel. His flirty remarks always had me blushing against my will.

Peppermint And Vanilla ( TodoBaku / BakuTodo )  𝕓𝕟𝕙𝕒Where stories live. Discover now