plans; one shot

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"so, what are your plans?"

seokjin overheard the questions from the few interviews as soon as they went back to korea. he's already nearing his thirty's. it is a perfect age for marriage and love, unless you are an idol. it was stupid for them to lie in front of the camera, telling that they still have no plans for future potential relationships - for fuck's sake. he's dating someone for more than two years. 

he's dating someone that has been his best friend and lover at the same time, and it is moon byulyi from their closest girl group: mamamoo. 

he's already itched to admit it to everyone, but he keeps on remembering the backlash she receives when they received a rumor of dating when she told the public before about his gratitude for taking their group's references for their performance.


he was cut off, when he heard the host ask for him. 

"do you have any plans for the future, like what the others say?"

painting another smile, seokjin waited for another question to follow. "i mean, you're already nearing enlistment and the age of a perfect one for family. what do you say?"

his members' took a short look at his direction, waiting for his response. they all knew his relationship with the female idol, even if they were asked to keep it shut due to their global success. everyone knows how bad the situation was for jin and moonbyul whenever their names were attached with each other.

"it'll be a lie if i say i'm not wondering about my future, so of course i wanted to experience that life as well - even when i'm with my group in the near future." seokjin chuckled, holding the microphone. he held his awkward laugh, not wanting to lie once again. 

"do you have anyone in mind?" 

the question is so insensitive, their fans would go insane and fluctuate if he did say that he is not just thinking of someone, but already in a serious relationship.

inhaling deeply, seokjin shakes his head. "for the mean time, not yet." everyone laughs at his funny remark, before he winks through the screen - drawing another facade just to protect her.

after a long day of their schedules all over again, they'll be leaving korea once again after a few more days. 

a part of him was excited to meet their fans, yet he couldn't avoid the fact that he misses spending every single day with byulyi without worries. 

ending the long day with a heavy sigh, he knocks on the door of a familiar apartment around seoul - but it was definitely not his. after a few minutes of standing up idly on the front porch of the white-themed apartment, the door opens.

his eyes was gladly meet by a pair of twinkling orbs, added with a smile. her bleached blonde hair cascading smoothly on her shoulders. "you're done?" 

seokjin weakly smiles, heart feeling at ease as soon as he saw someone he had yearned for days. they had went back to korea last week, but they couldn't meet up properly. both of them were busy, and after the day ended, he immediately ran to her apartment knowing she's on her free day.

he could only hum in response, embracing byulyi with his single arm. he left a short yet lingering kiss on her forehead, while byulyi reaches behind him to close her apartment's door. giggling, the female idol whispered. "do you miss me that much?"

"it's been months we've been away from each other, duh." he replied in complete disappointment, causing byulyi to murmur. "stop grumping around, i've made dinner." she pulls away, seeing how exhausted seokjin was from every schedule he had finished.

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