.Ch 2-School flooding.....

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Next week*So how you doin'Ceviche ask chowder in during class.Pretty good'----after forgetting about panini he/she said about to cry.It ok man... your going to be alright faster than you know it.

*bell rings*Yeah!!!Lunch time scream chowder.A just as chowder open the door'water start to rush into the room.What going out there ask gorgonzola.*Chowder'Gorgonzola and Ceviche take a peak outside the door to only see'  the hallway flooded with water from who know how it happen

Whoa.. what happening out here chowder said walking into the hallway followed by gorgonzola and ceviche.Did a pipe break?Look like that what happen said gorgonzola.

*principal come rushing the hallway soaking wet*Listen student-where havin'some of what a problem....so i want a straight line to the exit'just then the water started to rise from there feet to there stomach*

Never mine on a the straight line....Run or Swim to the exit....NOW!!!!!everyone is pushin'or fight to the exit leavin'chowder'gorgonzola and ceviche behind because chowder got tired taken two step in water.


As i was to leave my class there was a bunch of water floodin'the hallway.I look down the hallway to see the principal was talking about an exit.I look down the hall to see a door shut with an exit sign.I quickly run down the hall when water get closer to my shoulder that i can drown.

I get to the door to find out that it sealed shut.Im bangin'on the door until the water is rushin'up to my head.Just as i was about to fall under a hand grab my light green-skirt.

*cough'cough*I look up to see mandy standin' in front of me.Mandy...i said while teachers,students' and principals rushin'out the build.

im goin'to call the fire department said the principals.

No need said mandy lockin the door.Why are you lockin the door....we want water to come out"not to stay in ask panini.It ok'i've a friend comin' over to drain it from the inside said mandy.Now help me lock all the exit around the school.

Panini thought about it for a good minute*sigh*Sure i'll help you.

Chowder pov

Just as we'are about to get the door'it closed shut right in front of us.Huh.....why did the door closed ask ceviche.How should i know said gongorzola.

Wait!Isn't there like three more exit door out there ask ceviche.Yeah but two of them are in the front of the school.So where the other closest one.Probaly in the cafteria.Then what are we waitin'for said ceviche dashin/swimmin'off to the cafteria

In the cafteria*You know im suprise that the cafteria is less flooded then the hallway said chowder.Yeah....But let get goin'before the water start to risin'up  again.Chowder'gongorzola was runnin"over there to find another lock door.

Gongorzola was pushin'against the door'Oh'COME ON!!

Why isn't it budging ask ceviche.If i know why it wasn't budging would i have time struggle.

*munch*munch*Chowder!!!How could you be eating in a time like this.Because im got hungry and there was an apple just laying in a tray with a banana chowder said munching away with the apple in his hand.

chowder don't you realize that there water rising and the exit door is lock.

So what that suppose mean?Gozgorzola was about to tackle chowder when put her hand aside gorgonzola.

Chowder'gorgonzola is saying is that we need to escape then worry about food'you that chowder.

chowder was about to munch on his apple when thought' if drown then nomore food and most of all can't become a chef.Chowder quickly drop the apple in the water and started to bum rush the door.

Ceviche and Gongorzola join chowder breaking the door open.

10 min later)Mmhmm(it not even budging a little.Chowder went up for air'(gasp)The water was soon up to the roof.

Any luck ask ceviche.sigh*No.....'the water started to rise again'was at there neck to the roof.

Well i guess this is our last Air stop right here said ceviche.On the count to 3-three we'll give that door all we've.Chowder and Ceviche nodded.

1....2........3!!!!!!They got there last breathe of air'when they got to the door they started to push it with all the force they have.

15minute later' of pushing chowder notice the force become lighter and lighter' He look where gonorzola was and saw ceviche facing head up with her mouth open and gongorzola was next leaving chowder by himself.

Chowder was scared by himself in a danger action.Chowder didn't have any idea to do'but he didn't want to die here not now.

Chowder started to headbutt the door util his hat came off his head.

He his forhead was all bloody.Chowder felt like pass out'But he gave the door one more hard headbutt.The door crack open alittle bit.Chowder saw he chance a give it a sweet headbutt to the door'which open the door washing the water out with chowder and his friend out the door.

Chowder was coughing out water.He he laying out on his back.Ge tilt his head to the right see ceviche and gongorzola laying out on there side.He look down to road to see to figure walking away.He try to scream but he was to weak.Soon or later he blacked out.

Hope you enjoy the chapter 2

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