Genre: Romance, Life, School, Drama, Youth, BL
Movie: 1h 5min
"In bustling Shibya, Momose sees his high school classmate Yashiro. Yashiro is dressed as a girl. Momose continues to observe Yashiro and becomes attracted to him. Meanwhile, Yashiro becomes embarrassed that Momose knows that he dresses up like a girl."
My Opinion:
This movie is just SO CUTE! I give this movie a 7/10. I feel like It could have been a little bit more longer, and the chemistry could have been a little better. But it had a happy ending, and that's what matters. It's just so beautiful!
My Favorite BL Japanese Dramas (2019)
Teen FictionHello guys! So, these are my favorite BL Japanese dramas. Some are BL, and some are really sad. But if they are in this list is because I really liked them, and they are the best for far. I will list them from my least favorite to my most favorite...