Genre: Music, Romance, BL
Movie: 1h 29min
"Fujimi Orchestra is a Boy's Love film that has come from a Japanese novel series that has also had a manga and an anime Original Video Animation created for it. Tonoin Kei, a musical genius who has studied extensively in the area of conducting, falls in love with a violinist, Morimura Yuuki. Morimura acts as the concertmaster for a small amateur orchestra that meets three times a week at the Fujimi Civic Center. Morimura is in love with Kawashima Natsuko, a female flutist in the orchestra, but Kawashima falls for Tonoin when he joins to act as the group's new conductor in order to get closer to Morimura."
My Opinion:
I've watched the movie, and the actual anime. Both are pretty good. The chemistry is excellent, and I love how it develops throughout the story. I would give it a 8/10. I totally recommend you to watch this one.
My Favorite BL Japanese Dramas (2019)
Teen FictionHello guys! So, these are my favorite BL Japanese dramas. Some are BL, and some are really sad. But if they are in this list is because I really liked them, and they are the best for far. I will list them from my least favorite to my most favorite...