Genre: Romance, Drama, BL
Movie: 1h 28 min
"Kazuaki Sakurai is a 37-year-old man working at an advertising agency. For a CM shooting, he goes to a beautiful house. At the house, he meets Yoichi Mizukawa while he is painting a picture. Yoichi Mizukawa is a 19-year-old art student. He lives with his cousins in the big old house. Kazuaki Sakurai becomes attracted to Yoichi Mizukawa.
Meanwhile, Yoichi Mizukawa is only interested painting, but he begins to take an interest in Kazuaki Sakurai. The two men get closer, but Kazuaki Sakurai gets transferred to Osaka."
My Opinion:
This movie is ART! It was just so BEAUTIFUL. I give this one a 9/10 too. The story develops slow throughout the story, however, this one shows a lot more chemistry than last one's. This movie made me cry a little. It was just so cute! I recommend this one also!
My Favorite BL Japanese Dramas (2019)
Teen FictionHello guys! So, these are my favorite BL Japanese dramas. Some are BL, and some are really sad. But if they are in this list is because I really liked them, and they are the best for far. I will list them from my least favorite to my most favorite...