Rewind, Rewind, Rewind

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Izuku sat before us, staring at the floor with blank eyes, his mother's hand on his shoulder.

"Young Midoriya, do you need anything?" Toshinori extended his hand to him, the boy's gaze flickering like a broken light.

He looked up at my husband and after a long moment of silence, he began to tear up. He nearly dove out of the chair and basically tackle-hugged Toshinori and I.

"Ah-!" Toshinori gasped.

"Izuku..." I frowned, glancing towards Inko to invite her in, and she ran to us and into the embrace for her son.

"All Might...are you afraid of me...?" Izuku croaked out.

"What? Why would I be afraid of you, my boy?" Toshinori furrowed his brow.

"I mean...All For One is my father...he's...done so much to hurt you and your family. Don't you think...I'm too much like him?" the young man swatted at his eyes, puffy underneath.

Izuku...he's scared of his lineage catching up to him. He's scared because of who his father is.

"No, no...absolutely not. You're you and your father is just're not like him in any bad way." He reassured.

I nodded my head, agreeing, "Yes, you use what you received from him for good. You're an amazing person, so don't worry about that...we're not afraid of you, we promise."

Izuku swallowed, muscles relaxing and face calming. His mother looked grateful as well, patting his shoulder. "Thank you..."

Aizawa was outside, looking frantic on his phone. He paced and pressed his palm to his forehead stressfully. "Yeah, I'll tell them...Keep her safe." He hung up.

"Keep who safe, Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku questioned, turning attention to his teacher with concern.

"Eri said...that a man came into her room three hours ago and introduced himself as Hisashi Midoriya, and asked her to use his Quirk on him. She said he looked very beaten up, and she felt inclined to help him."

"Who is Eri...?" I supplicated.

"She's the girl that Togata and I saved from Overhaul and his yakuza." Izuku explained, "Mr. Aizawa is her caretaker."

"Well, what's her Quirk?" Toshinori asked.

"Rewind, she's able to reverse someone's body to a previous state depending on how long she uses it."

Toshinori and I locked eyes, no words between us. We both understood then why All For One would go there.


I took the trip with Aizawa and Naomasa to the hospital where Eri was. Eri was a small girl with white hair and red eyes, a small horn on her forehead. She was looking down at her lap, where she had a page with some markers. She was a very good artist for a seven-year-old. Perhaps she had a future in that.

"Good afternoon, Eri." Aizawa entered, gaining her attention. "I brought two friends, they want to talk to you about something."

She closed her book and began to look a little nervous.

I approached the bed, sitting down in a chair beside it. "Hi there, Eri. My name is Y/n, I'm a friend of Deku's. My husband and I help train him, you see." I spoke softly, wanting to appear as gentle and kind as possible to this girl. She had obviously been through a lot.

"Deku's friend..." Eri blinked.

"Yes...I came to ask...Did a man named Hisashi Midoriya come in here earlier today?" I asked it slowly.

She nodded, "He had me use my Quirk on him. He looked like a boiled potato before but now he looks like Deku. He has white curly hair and freckles. He said he was Deku's dad."

I almost started giggling with the boiled potato comment. Naomasa recorded the information down in his notebook.

"Am I in trouble?" Eri gulped.

"No, absolutely not. You helped us a lot... We're looking for Deku's father. Did he say where he was going?" Naoamasa wondered to her.

She shook her head, noticeably calming after she was aware she wasn't in trouble. This poor girl made my developing mother senses itch. I wanted to babysit her and be her cool auntie, just like how I was with Melissa. Keep it together, Y/n...

"Well...Thank you very much, Eri. You were a big help! I can't wait to see you again in the future." I smiled wide and happily down at her, and she nodded.

Aizawa elected to stay with her for a while. As Naomasa and I walked down the hall, a question ate away at me.

"How did he know about Eri? I didn't give him any information." I hummed thoughtfully.

"Who knows? He said he has eyes everywhere, remember? Maybe he met up with the League of Villains...or maybe..." He trailed off.

"Maybe what?" I pondered.

"Maybe he used Ragdoll's, Search Quirk. Maybe he's been monitoring all of us, all of this time...and this is why he made his escape."

I forgot that he had stolen Ragdoll's Quirk those two months ago...If that was the case, he was monitoring us.

I opened my phone and scrolled through my contacts for Mandalay's number, which I had gotten months back at a hero party. "I'll ask the woman herself of her Quirk's nature so we can see if your hypothesis is correct." 

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