The First Day

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It was a cool august day in the small town of Brownsville. Marie had just taken the first steps away from her house towards the bus stop at the end of the street. It was the first day of a new school and she was extremely stressed about the people at the school.

Marie was always good at making friends. Most wouldn't call her shy or anti-social, but she never made the first move. People always came to her. She never made herself stick out to attract them, they would always just come to her, like bees to honey. The only problem with making friends was finding people that she actually liked.

Earlier than most she realized that she didn't have to be friends with everyone. Being alone was perfectly fine if it meant avoiding those who annoyed her, which would most likely include most of the school population.

As she approached the bus stop she looked around to observe the other people she would either socialize with or avoid for the rest of the school year. A small group was already at the corner of the street before Marie. She could have heard them from a mile away they were so loud.

Can't keep a secret

Probably comes from a big family

Marie judged people just like everyone else. That's what she did. Most people say that her assumptions were wrong, but she was usually right. She never let her thoughts affect how she treated people. She simply made notes about their personalities, but she always made room for error. She never made a final opinion until she had met them. There is no way to know someone truly until they tell you who they are.

A girl stood alone staring at her phone with ear buds in her ears.

Doesn't socialize with the big crowd

a) Loner

b)Friends aren't at this bus stop

The girl was typing on her phone which indicated that she was texting someone.

Friends aren't at this bus stop

A few more minutes waiting at the bus stop, more people had showed up. Three of them just stared at their phones whilst listening to music. Two others joined the group. Marie decided it was best to not socialize with the group because of the context of their conversations.She did as the others and played a game on her phone while listening to music.

She could still hear the crowds conversation about how big Nicki Minaj's butt was even though the volume on her phone was almost to it's highest. She had already decided that the mornings would be no fun.

When the bus finally arrived, Marie decided to sit more towards the front, but not the very front. The groups conversation calmed down as they took their seats. Three more bus stops later and the bus was pulling into her new school's parking lot.

Middleton High School.

As she stepped through the school doors, she pulled out a slip of paper that named her classes.

Microsoft PowerPoint and Word

AP Chemistry

(Homeroom A209)

AP Calculus


This school was weird. There were only four periods a day, but each class was an hour and a half. Marie's only wish was to return to her small town in Florida where the classes were normal length and she knew people. She didn't want to start over again where no one had ever heard a whisper of who she was.

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