The dance party

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I sat before the mirror, the bouquets placed on its both edges making my reflection prominent amidst the green leaves.

I sat before the mirror, the bouquets placed on its both edges making my reflection prominent amidst the green leaves

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My lashes had been thoroughly mascaraed and my eyes looked impossibly big. The blossom red shade of lipstick looked significantly dark against my porcelain skin. I placed the silver chain of my teardrop shaped pendant over my neck, its cold feeling pleasant against my skin.

"Ready?" Aamna asked entering through the door, holding an earring against her earlobe.

She looked splendid in her dark red evening gown. I smiled.

"Someone's ready to take everyone's breaths away", she said standing beside me as I stared at our reflection in the mirror.
Her red dress made a good combination with mine black.

"He has been waiting since the previous half hour. I think its time that we go downstairs", she said and I smiled.

Picking up my mobile phone, I followed Aamna downstairs.


I stood near the entrance, waiting for her to arrive as pairs walked past, greeting. Instead of a closed collar tuxedo or suit, I had worn an open collar to the dance party.

I saw Sahir's car arrive and looked curiously as he walked towards the passenger side to open the door

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I saw Sahir's car arrive and looked curiously as he walked towards the passenger side to open the door. I didn't know why but I had a feeling that it would be Abeer and for a moment, it did seem to come true as the girl stepping out ran her fingers through her dark, dead straight hair that rippled at her back but then her high cheekbones and a sharp nose from her side pose proved me wrong. It was Brittany.

Both of them walked past me silently and Brittany rolled her eyes. I glanced at my watch. It was twenty minutes before the dance officially began. I had begun to feel that she wasn't going to come and what made it even worse was the fact that she had refused when I had offered her to pick  her up from her apartment for the night.

Waqas and Aamna walked on the carpet, a perfect example of Made for each other , even their costumes perfectly contrasted. They looked like two pieces of a perfect picture and just behind them was her and at the sight of her, my heartbeat stopped for a while again.

In a black sheer gown with sleeves that ended up a bit above her elbows, she looked prettier than ever before. For a moment, it felt like everything stopped and if I could, I would have stayed in that moment forever: both of us just looking at each other but then someone walking in slightly hit my shoulder and the trance broke.

I folded one arm at my back, stepped forward and extended my hand. Her hand felt soft and cold in my grip. Silently, the both of us walked in. In the slow classical background music, she stood with me at a side, looking at the clusters of students that were spread throughout the hall and I just looked at her in silence. There was a strange melancholy in her expression as she looked ahead and maybe it was the feature that added the most beauty to her face. The announcement for the dancers to take their positions were made. I tangled my fingers through hers and as the lights went dim, I led her to the dance floor.


As we stood under the dim light amongst the many more partners and the music began, he raised his hand in the air to join with mine. It took me a moment to guess the song. It was A thousand years and only the song was enough to bring moisture in my eyes. It reminded me of Valentine's Day and I had to look down, knowing that he was continuously looking at me.

The song began and we began to dance. His movements were swift, smooth, making me feel like I was in the air and his expression was serious but he was handling me like I was made of glass. He increased the distance between us when the note elongated, his hand being my only connection to him but when the lyrics continued, he pulled me back with a smooth swirl and I found myself staring straight into his eyes. There was so much in there, so much that I did not want to see, so much that was making everything difficult for me but still, there was that part of me that wanted that moment to last forever. I wanted to break away my gaze but I couldn't.

The pairs exchanged and my hand came into someone else's. I turned my face and of all the people that it could have was Sahir.

And he, who was more of a leather jackets and sweat shirts person looked incredibly handsome and serious in his suit

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And he, who was more of a leather jackets and sweat shirts person looked incredibly handsome and serious in his suit. His serious expression was broken by a smile. I tried to smile back but uncontrollably, my face turned towards Asad who looked at me despite his hands and feet moving in a rhythm with Brittany's.

Forcefully, I broke away my gaze and turned my face back towards Sahir. He leaned a bit forward.

"I'll never forget this moment....when the prettiest girl in the room is dancing with me but think again Abeer", he said before letting go of my hand as the pairs exchanged again.

I was back with Asad and the song was ending which caused a strange ache inside me. I wanted time to stop, to keep looking in his eyes but unfortunately, that couldn't happen.
The dance ended with a thunderous applause.

As I freed my hand from his soft grip and turned to go, he held my hand again.

"At least wait for the dinner", he said.

"I want to go", I said straightaway.

"But....." he tried to say and I knew the words behind his silence.

I hated doing that to him, to the guy for whom any girl in the University would die.

"I'll meet you at your home. 10:30, if you can please skip the after party", I said in a robotic motion without meeting his eyes.

"Of course", he said without even thinking for a second.

I immediately turned to leave because if I stayed there for one more minute, I felt like everything I was holding in would come out.

"Abeer can I drop you home?" he asked behind me.

"No....thanks by the way", I said without turning around and left.

Okay.... Readers so the next chapter is going to be what all of us have awaited the most. Guess the title????

Its " THE CHOICE" and will be uploaded soon. Also... If you have time, reread this chapter while listening to A thousand Years and I bet you are going to love it because I was listening to it the whole time while writing this chapter and caught me in the feels♥♥♥


His Obsession, Her ChoiceWhere stories live. Discover now