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Astrid drove home, seeing as it was ten past 3 when she began driving back, and she had to stop by Costco on her way to grab snacks.

She had thought about the different options for food and had finally settled on grabbing four boxes of party sized pizza, and making several trays of homemade lasagne.

Along with pizza and lasagne, she wanted to grab a couple crates of pop and a couple packs of beer— just to keep the guys busy.

As she reached Costco, she parked the car,
making her way inside the large building and began walking around to find the items on her list.

Astrid was a planner— it is to be expected when one has a busy schedule— but she plans a lot. She cannot carry out any event without thoroughly planning it through and preparing eons before hand.

That was why when she passed the electronics section, she stopped and made her way back.

There were several new games out, though she couldn't choose from the large variety. She pushed her cart to the side, pulling out her phone to give Jacob a call.

She held the phone between her ear and shoulder, balancing it there as she skimmed through the games. As she heard the dial tone stop and Jacobs voice answer, "Hey what's up?"

"Jake, hi, I'm at Costco and there's many new games out— but there's many— and I don't know which ones to grab," she answered.

Jacob laughed, "You fell for it again— I'm not available at the moment, just leave a message after the tone!"

Astrid frowned at her phone, grumbling as she fell into the trap of Jacobs misleading voice mail. It always sounds like he's picked up, she justified to herself.

Due to being a lawyer, Jacob had two cells— a business and a personal— and there were strict rules against calling on business, so she didn't bother with that.

Sighing, she grabbed the games of her interest, and decided she'd confer with the sales guy. She called out to him lightly, "Excuse me?"

The guy looked up from his phone, glancing in the direction of the feminine voice. He noticed the customer standing to the side, where the display of the new games was stationed.

Astrid waited patiently as the guy continued staring at her, not answering. She cleared her throat, "Hi— hello?"

She watched as he ducked his head, muttering something while making his way over to her. She began talking as he reached her, "Can you recommend the best ones out of this selection?"

He looked surprised, but nodded, before glancing at her cart unsurely, "Uh you already have several that are amongst the best— you're just missing a few, here..."

He began talking about the different games, pointing at the ones that had the best ratings and were most popular. Astrid had drowned his voice out, simply focusing on where he pointed.

Later as he left, bidding her a quick bye, she grabbed the ones he'd pointed to and dumped them into her cart— grabbing a total of 7 new games. Jake is going to kill me, she thought, making her way to the checkout.

Her cart was full to the brim, containing the different ingredients for lasagne, the dishes needed to make it, the various games she'd picked up, four packs of beer, and because she overthought in the drinks section: she had grabbed the two crates of pop, along with bottles of orange, apple, and guava juice.

As she approached the checkout, she noticed the staff and customers staring at her. I don't blame them, it is a bizarre combination of shit in my cart, she thought.

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