Chapter 1

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Title: And Then I Met You

Author: Wereleopard58

Rating: T/Teen and up audiences

Show: NCIS/Criminal Minds

Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo and Hotch/Reid, Slash,

Warning: AU.

Summary: When Gibbs met Tony at Baltimore he offered the Detective a job at NCIS, unfortunately for him, the FBI got to him first. Derek knew Tony would be a perfect fit to join him as a federal agent. Years later Gibbs and DiNozzo meet up through a case where NCIS and the BAU have to work together. There's more than one possible romance happening if they are brave enough to take the chance. Things don't run smoothly with a jealous Ziva and Sacks trying to ruin things. Slash.

A/N This hasn't been checked over by a beta, because this is for her Christmas present. I got behind last year, so getting ahead this time. I hope you enjoy where it goes Nacole and thank you. I am working on the fix it fic, but I have to go through episode transcripts. I have finished Altered Reality and Death Becomes him; I am going through them before sending them off to my beta.


"Will you two stop it?" Gibbs growled he had serious doubts about Shepard's leadership skills. After Kate was murdered by Ari, they forced Ziva to work with the people who cared for the woman her brother killed. She then decided that he could help with Sacks. No one else could work with him. Shepard hoped that Gibbs could do something. Ziva and Sacks working side by side was not working in any way shape or form. To top it all off, they now had to work with the BAU. Why Shepard thought this was a good idea, he would never understand. If those two caused any problems, he was going to make them wish they'd never met him. Why couldn't it have been Fornell, at least they understood each other.

"Gibbs, I did not do anything?" Ziva glared at him.

"She shouldn't even be on this team. Her father is the head of Mossad, and Officer David has security clearance, we have no idea what secrets she's sending back to dear daddy. Finally, she has no experience in investigating, no understanding of people and isn't a team player."

Ziva turned to him and smirked. "You are an arrogant pig, and you think that you are a brilliant investigator, which you are not. You think you should be in charge, how can you be when no one wishes to work with you?"

Gibbs could see Sacks was about to start another argument. "Stop it, both of you. I expect you to act like the trained people you supposedly are. We are working with the BAU, and you will be professional, and if you can't then pretend and afterwards, I will put you both on report. I'll know the difference, are we clear?"

"Yes," they both mumbled.

"I didn't hear you?"

"Yes, boss." They repeated a little louder.

He knew that this was going to be a nightmare.


"Tony, are you ready for another computer lesson tonight?" Penelope walked over to him with a massive smile on her face.

"I am always ready for you my colourful, gorgeous goddess."

"What a lucky woman I am to work with the two sexiest men." She watched as Reid walked over "Make that three, who am I kidding we have the sexiest team alive."

"I'm no longer your favourite baby girl?" Derek painted a wounded look on to his face.

"You, my statuesque god of sculptured chocolate thunder will always be my number one."

And Then I Met You  Gibbs/DiNozzo NCIS/Criminal Minds CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now