Chapter 2

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The MCRT and the BAU all sat around the large conference table. The photos of the victims pinned up on a board, files spread across the table in front of them as they discussed the case. Gibbs was seated next to Tony, their chairs a little closer than necessary, so that their arms brushed as they moved pieces of paper. Gibbs reached over to grab a file so he could get a better look; his hand was almost across the other man's chest before he realized it. In that instant, their eyes met and everything seemed to stop.

The door opened and in walked Shepard; she couldn't stop the flare of jealousy at the way the two men looked at each other. She kept pushing Gibbs to get a reaction, something she could work with, any small thing to know that he wanted her, even if it was just a little bit. Now it was clear she'd have to step up her game, it appeared she was being too subtle. He still had feelings for her, Shepard was sure of it. Those feelings, the relationship they had in Paris couldn't be forgotten. It was her biggest regret in her life, so far. Once he forgave her for what she had done they could move forward. This was something that couldn't wait, not now. They needed to be alone, tonight after everyone had left.

"Gibbs, this was delivered to Metro PD. Abby has the original with her." Shepard waited until he was at her side. "After you've finished tonight come to my office. There is something we need to discuss."

"Can it wait, we –." He grabbed hold of the piece of paper.

"No, it cannot Agent Gibbs," with that she turned and stormed out.

"Is everything okay Agent Gibbs?" Spencer asked and looked at him with concern.

"Yeah, everything is fine." He looked up and saw everyone staring at ham. "It's probably about an old case." He walked back to his chair and handed the piece of paper to Tony.

Hotch's gaze went to his team member as they read the note. He could see by Tony's expression, it was clear something didn't seem right to him. "Tony, what is it?"

"It's a white supremacist rant, but the devolving mentality of the author is the complete opposite to the murders and crime scenes." Tony handed the paper to his team leader.

All eyes were now on him. Once Hotch was finished he handed it to Spencer, their fingers brushed and the two men forced themselves not to smile. Derek looked at his other teammates and shook his head.

Rossi knew the two men would be good together. He was on the verge of stepping in and getting one of them to make a move on the other. Hopefully Gibbs and Tony wouldn't do the same song and dance routine.

"I agree with Tony, this letter doesn't match with what we know about our serial killer." Spencer continued to stare at the paper hoping something else would come to him.

"How do you actually know, in Mossad–." She eyed the geeky guy with distaste.

"Ziva," Gibbs growled.

Derek didn't like how she seemed to look down at Reid.

"Well," Ziva waved a hand at the genius, "he doesn't look like he can protect himself?"

"What does protecting yourself have to do with profiling? Oh and he does know how to use a weapon. Dr Reid is brilliant at what he does." Tony stared at her pity was clearly written on his features. "Oh and if you hadn't noticed this isn't Mossad, the big clue is that this is America."

"It's Tony, correct? I meant no insult maybe we can get together later." She licked her lips and tried to keep hold of his gaze.

Gibbs couldn't believe she was doing this. It had nothing to do with his attraction, it was about being unprofessional. "Ziva!"

And Then I Met You  Gibbs/DiNozzo NCIS/Criminal Minds CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now