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  YuLin was dragged into the innermost part of the tent. Just based on instinct, he felt terrified at what these women were about to do.

  FengMei stood in front of him as the other three held him and looked him up and down. FengCui, you sort his skin out, bring out the oil we bought last year from merchant Fu. FengFei, his hair,  this birdnest needs to be washed in scents and oils, FengLan, go request some better quality clothes, I can't believe the general let's you wear this... tutut, and as for me... I'll be cutting your hair."

  YuLin gulped as he watched the women set into action, he raised his hands and almost whimpered, "Really need..."

  All four of them whipped their heads around and smirked with gleaming eyes, "You are our brother now, you're not allowed to look like a tramp!" If YuLin didn't know them, he'd think they were little devils. He sighed and drooped his head.

  "Alright then, do with me what you will sisters."

  Currently holding a bowl of gruel on the other side of the camp was A Li. Unaware that his being had been handed over to the courtesans he stared at his bowl of food as he remembered his mother being slashed apart. He could remember every detail to the sound of the demon slurping the intestines as blood trickled down and dripped off its chin. He stared blankly at his hands shook from anger, sadness, anguish.

  Then he remembered his saviour. The homeless looking man who'd told him to join the army for a small semblance of shelter and food. The same man he saw riding a demonic beast. The same man he saw walking about freely in camp. A Li decided on the spot, whether a life saviour or not, a demon is a demon and he will avenge his mother by wiping them off the face of the earth. A Li lifted his head and stared at the tents littered before him, only with revenge on his mind.

  The day eventually came to an end as night fell, the blue moon rose as the sun sought shelter. In the courtesan's tent, the women stood with jaws hitting the ground and eyes big as watermelons staring at their transformed brother.

  LiZhao, on the other hand, was a tad bit impatient as he hit the table with his fist and demanded, "Where's that bastard?" 

  QianDu clamped his mouth shut as he thought to himself, the great general should be enquiring about war affairs regarding to this upcoming war... yet he was asking the whereabouts of a smiling idiot just because he was absent for half a day. QianDu closed his eyes and sighed, "General, this one has heard that the id- the young man is in the courtesan's tents."

  LiZhao felt extremely irritated by this answer. What was YuLin doing spending that much time with the courtesans, he was supposed to be his squire, not the courtesans... he wasn't doing his job properly. LiZhao's face grew darker by the second as QianDu discreetly moved away little by little.

  Eventually, he stood up and stalked to the tent's entrance and paused. "Retire, send the letter to the emperor tomorrow." Before leaving.

  QianDu sighed yet again and brought his hand to his face, "What is that smiling idiot doing to our great general..." He muttered.

  Back in the courtesan's tent, the women were circling a YuLin who was freshly groomed. his hair hung straight and dark, his skin glowed from the aftermath of using oils and scents. His clothes were soft, yet those of a soldiers rank, his brows were lightly arched and in view, his nose stood proud and his lips, soft and dewy. And o, his eyes. The women shivered upon gazing at his dark red eyes, red as blood.

  "I'd totally take him if he weren't-" FengCui couldn't finish her sentence yet again as FengMei clamps a hand on her mouth

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  "I'd totally take him if he weren't-" FengCui couldn't finish her sentence yet again as FengMei clamps a hand on her mouth.

  FengLan, gulps before speaking, "So your, eyes. It's true then, about your heritage?"

  YuLin tugged at his much shorter fringe and lowered his head before asking, "Would that be so bad?"

  FengFei immediately stepped up and grabbed YuLin by the shoulder, "No! be it demon or... or something worse! You are YuLin, now and forever our brother!"

  The others agreed in a series of Mn's and jumped on YuLin once again.

  YuLin's eyes were damp and glistening, his heart felt warm and fuzzy, these women.. his sisters wanted him just the way he was... YuLin beamed at them whole heartedly.

  FengCui was once again enraptured as she blurted out, "Can I please do you? even if you're a cut sleeve?"

    At once chaos broke out as FengMei chased after Cui and Lan hid behind her fan whilst Fei eyed YuLin's area between the legs and YuLin questioned, "Do me? Cut sleeve?"

  And as if it were all timed, LiZhao stepped through the tent with veins popping at his head, his eyes scanning and searching for that messy head, only for him to make eye contact with a cleaned up, gleaming youth whose eyes were red as one he knew. Immediately, all traces of anger drained from his face as the great general's mouth fell slightly open at the sight of YuLin before him. LiZhao stared at the crisp YuLin and felt hot fire come ablaze within the deepest part of his heart. His fingers clenched as he felt the emotions stirring. What was it about YuLin's gaze that made him feel so... trapped and released at the same time.

  LiZhao furrowed his brows, marched forwards and flung YuLin over his shoulder in one fell swoop. They disappeared from the tent in a snap of fingers.

  The women looked at each other with a knowing look, FengFei began praying for LiZhao as FengCui pouted in a corner, "Tch, every time I want to move on him the General appears...tch!"


A/N- Back from holiday! Regular updates again guys

Hope you enjoyed!

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