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    He's gone, he's gone. 

  LiZhao searched every nook and cranny of the camp and found no trace of YuLin anywhere.

  He's gone.

  LiZhao's very core was shaking, he was breathing erratically, looking around hoping that idiot would pop out somewhere out of the bushes. His throat felt stuffy and thick, his heart hurting and heavy.

  Where are you!

  But instead, it was QianDu who came out of the bushes, carrying A'Li in his hands.

  "General, he was with YuLin."

  The general turned to A'Li with an icy gaze causing him to shrink into QianDu's arms. QianDu gulped. He had seen the general giving orders expressionlessly, killing expressionlessly yet right now, he reeked utter rage. QianDu truly hoped they'll find YuLin soon, they could not afford a distracted general on the battlefield.

  "What happened." The general demanded.

  A'Li gulped and replied with tears leaking out his eyes, "Y-YuLin and I went out to collect wild herbs... for the soup. Then...then this man appeared, he-he strangled me and told YuLin to go with him or he'll kill me..."

  LiZhao thought hard... he needed to get YuLin back, there's no knowing what his family froths maternal side might do to him.

  QianDu, realising what the general was thinking immediately spoke up, "General with all due respect we can not send people after him. Every single soldier needs training, we arrive in the Huo province in one month... There's just non time!"

    LiZhao turned with resolution in his eyes as he said, "We won't need to sed people after him. I'll go."

  "But general... you're the general!!! This army won't function without you"

  "I have you for a reason. Do your job."

    QianDu's jaw dropped yet again... he was to stand in for the general whilst he ran off to search for his kidnapped lover? This wasn't a soppy love story ah!!

  LiZhao began packing before he jumped on his black stallion.

  He'll find him.

  Only he can find him.

  Only he had a chance to.

  YuLin, wait for me.


A/N- short one I know... but hey ho it's a chap.

tell me what you think the ending will be, I'd love to hear your guesses.

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