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  (You know what to do with the above ;))

  Later on in the week, the owner of the veterinary received another parcel , He opened it and found a dashing, dark red suit inside, complete with a matching tie and fake flower. He picked up the small piece of paper inside and read out loud.

  "Xiao Lin, I'll keep the not short. You're too messy, I don't trust you to turn up at my wedding looking proper so here's a suit A'Yao prepared for you. And for heavens sake, ask your sisters to do something about that hair of yours before you arrive please!"

  YuLin looked up at his reflection in the window, his hair was a curled mess indeed, reaching the bottom of his neck, curling behind his ears and almost covering his eyes..... it wouldn't be an understatement if you called him a shaggy dog.

  YuLin sighed before a smaller figure hugged him from behind, "Wow...Gege, is this for that old man's wedding"

  YuLin looked at his younger sister, Cui'er, and sighed, "Yup... and he's requested for you rascals to do my hair... are you willing?" 

  Cui'er at the age of fourteen was more than happy to play make up on her brother and s she squeezed and screamed for her other sisters.

  YuLin laughed and shook his head, four young girls playing with his hair? He's afraid it'll turn out worse than it is, "Keep your voice down, you'll wake A'Li!" He said in a mock stern voice.

  Their parents at a proud age of forty had given birth to yet another child... as if they didn't have enough children yet, this time it was a boy and when he was born, for some reason, all the siblings were crying. The parents could only watch in confusion.

  YuLin ran a finger over the smooth, silky material and hummed as he fell into deep thought. They had moments like this... odd moments that couldn't be explained... Sometimes his sisters would wake from nightmares screaming about demons. Sometimes they'd exhibit shocking talents at the GuQin or traditional dance before they forgot how they did it. YuLin found himself drawn to wilder things, nature, animals... he found them most comforting but their was still something missing. Despite having a full family, a home, and a good business... he still felt their was an odd feeling of something missing from within his chest... YuLin tapped on his chest thoughtfully... well, he's lived twenty two years and still could't figure it out... why bother wasting time on it.

  He shrugged and proceeded to hang the suit up.

  On the day of the wedding he was woken up at five in the morning by his squealing sisters.

  "Wake up wake up!"

  "We need to wash your hair!"

   "Oil it!"

  "Dry it!"

  "Cut it!"

  "Style it!"

  YuLin rubbed his eyes and groaned, then feigned death. "Sorry, this one has died, I guess I'll just have to miss the wedding..."

  The girls collectively screamed "Nooooooo!"

  In the room next door they heard a bang as their mother shouted, "I swear to god if I hear more noise I'm going to hang the lot of you upside down!"

  There was then a hushed mutter from their father, "Calm down honey, the kids are just excited..."

  YuLin sighed and sat up rigidly, "Fine... do with me as you will!" He said dramatically.

  The girls giggled and dragged him to the bathroom.

  Three hours later, YuLin stood at the door with a gift box under his arms.'Alright then, I'lll see you later!"

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