Let's Not

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I am bad with descriptions and things, so please don't get angry if I make a mistake about appearances or if I describe something poorly. ^^;;

Pewdie's POV: 

I don't want to be anywhere near him at that point, knowing that he was going to bring up the uncomfortable topic. I mean, sure, my therapist helped me overcome it a little, and sure, I've matured over time, but it still stung a little to mention this topic. Cry tries to speak, but I grab my book bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Sorry, I really have to go to class now. Can you write me a pass?" I ask, heading towards the door.

"Yeah, sure, but, Felix, we really need to talk." Cry sloppily scribbles on a slip of paper, handing it to me.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe later." I'm not even listening at this point. I'm way to eager to leave this classroom and this horrible place, unwilling to carry out this conversation with him.

"Felix -"

"Bye." I run out of his classroom, rushing down the halls, looking for my next class. 

Once I found it, I take a few minutes to pull myself together, and then I open the door, handing the teacher the late pass. She takes it and tilts her head - as if she were puzzled about something. 

"I'm the new student," I tell her, smiling. 

It looks like the realization hit her. "Oh! Right! Class, this is Felix. He's our new student..." She babbles on, and I pretend to be interested, smiling and nodding as the teacher refers to me. I can tell that this teacher obviously loves to talk...

Some of the students watch in amusement and slight excitement, but others watch in boredom and barely show any enthusiasm.

She finally dismisses me, and I pick the seat closest to Ken, though I don't sit beside him. I sit in front of him next to two girls, who giggle and smile, passing each other notes. I think that I might be fine in this class..

When we finish that class, Ken drags me over to his table - I came willingly, but you get my drift. He happily introduces me to his friends. There's Marzia, a pretty, positive Italian girl who came to this school not too long ago. She has long, soft light brown hair and big, brown eyes that match her fair skin. There's his girlfriend, Mary, whose hair is long and dark; she had a unique eye color, but I couldn't tell if it was blue, hazel, green, or something else. He introduces me to his friend, Mark, who has glasses and dark hair with fair skin and brown eyes.

There is another new member like me named Nova, but he didn't hang around as much because he had another group of friends that he's a little more comfortable around. I'm noticing where Ken gets all his happy, cheerful energy from - his optimistic friends who support him.

Later, I cling onto Ken and follow him around school until the two classes we didn't share, but he gives me directions to that one class I didn't know - the other was simply Cry's classroom, and I really wasn't looking forward to that.

At Cry's class, it was the same-old same-old. We learned, made jokes, and learned some more. Cry looked over at me a couple times, but looking back on it, I don't see why. 

At the end of class, Cry tries to make his way to me. "Felix?"

Oh God, I thought. Let's just not. I plaster on a fake smile anyways, despite my annoyance and slight sorrow. "Yes? Sorry, Cry, I really have to go meet up with Ken."

"Oh, I see. Bye, Felix." Cry waves me off as I follow the crowd and head over to the dormitories.

At the dorm, where Ken's hanging outside and waiting for me, I meet up with him, and he joyfully lets us inside with a mischievous grin. 

"Ta-da!" Ken cheers when I step in and smile.

His room was tidy, but it won't be when I settle in. There are many different games stacked neatly on shelves beside the television, and game consoles are stacked on the top of the shelves. His clothes are hanging in the closet, neatly hung and wrinkle-free. The beds are precisely made, sheets flat and soft. The thing that excites me the most, though, is his huge game collection.

He let me set up my computer and helps me hang up my clothes. He gives me the numbers of our small gang and even helps me prank call them - though they found out easily. Ken offers a round of games, and I accept his challenge before Ken gets a call from his friends, asking if he wants to hang out and eat dinner out. He invites me, and I cheerfully tag along with my new group of friends.

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