Hendery "The Sociopath" finds himself in the way to his crush heart by stalking her, mocking her, even pushing her into pools at his sister's birthday party.
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I walked inside of the classroom actually kinda bummed out. I don't have any classes with Nola besides gym class, and that's the only period away from this one. I put my head down as the teacher turned off the lights, speaking in gibberish.
I guess we're watching some kind of movie today.
My eyes closed, but my mind wandered about Nola. I'm sure you're wondering why I have such an obsession with her and here's why,
She's hot.
I heard slow, steady footsteps coming my way, followed by the clearing of throat. "Mister Kunhang." I heard. I rolled my eyes. I hate when this asshole calls me by my last name. I slowly sat my head up. "What?" I asked him. "It's 'sir' to you." He corrected.
"Well, you called me 'mister' so I assumed we were both 'sirs'." I told him.
Everyone in the class started chuckling and muttering things.
"Hendery's a straight savage dude." I heard.
The teacher let out an angry sigh before fixing his glasses. "Please pay attention." He stated.
"Hopefully I'll have enough money to even pay for college." I said, winking at him.
He rolled his eyes before walking back towards the front of the room. "Such a smart aleck."
"Yo." Someone said, tapping my shoulder. "You are bad ass dude. You should come hang out with us sometime." A boy said, pointing to his group. I nodded. "What do you guys do for fun?" I asked him in confusion. "We. Got. Papers." He smirked, showing me his bag of weed. My eyebrows lifted up. "Oh?"
After class I skipped second period to smoke with them. It oddly made me feel somewhat alive and less worried. It even made me careless in a way. "So what are you? White or?" One of the boys asked. "I'm Chinese." I informed them. "You don't look Chinese." He said. "And you don't look like someone who sells what you buy." I told him. They all laughed. "I told y'all! Savage my dudes! Savage!" Another boy said. I took one last puff before giving them all a bro shake. "Alright guys I gotta go stalk my crush." I blurted. "Yeaaaa, have fun with that!" He laughed. "Trust me, I will." I laughed as I headed off to second period, hoping I wasn't too late.
I ran straight there without changing into my gym clothes. My mind was racing. Speeding. I need to slow down. Let me just say, running while being high made me feel like I was on cloud-
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I finally made it but once I saw Nola in shorts, I stopped.
"Sup Hendery! You down for a game of basketball?" Xiaojun said, running towards me. I stared at him oddly. "Basketball? I thought we were going to pound the girls with our balls?" I stated. Xiaojun sniffed, looking around to see what the stitch was. He then looked up, realizing it was me.