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Cameron gently set me down in front of him where I could touch the bottom of the pool, and quickly got out, sprinting towards Mason.
"DELETE IT!" He yelled as he chased Mason into the house, soaking wet.
"GET THE FUCK BACK HERE-" I could faintly hear him yelling at Mason as I saw Cam nearly trip on the wet floor chasing Mason up the stairs. I turned around to see and hear Eric cackling loudly. He hung onto the pool for support as he held his stomach laughing.
"He nearly fucking fell!" He laughed. At this point, the whole house was probably awake. A couple moments later, we heard a sudden yell. I was certain it was Cameron. He yelled something, then it was dead silent. Eric and I looked at each other, shocked at the sudden silence.
"Why did it get so quiet..?" Eric asked, a bit concerned.
"Should we go see?" I asked, already getting out of the pool. Eric and I calmly walked upstairs after I had gotten dressed, Eric was mostly dry from the towel around him, so he didn't change. We heard faint talking coming from Mason's room. I slowly opened the door to be greeted by most of the guys around the room doing things on their phones, seemingly worried. Mason had his head in his hands, and Cameron had his head in his knees curled in a ball, seemingly upset, but not crying. Eric went to Jaren who seemed to be working out whatever was happening on a phone call. I quickly shut the door and made my way over to Cameron, sitting by his side and putting a hand on his shirtless shoulder. He looked up at me, nearly seeming emotionless.
"What happened..? Is everything alright?" I asked, worried as all hell. He said something with a broken voice. He seemingly had lost his voice or some thing.
"What was that?" I asked, he repeated it.
"Mason posted the picture.." He faintly said. Anger built in my stomach as I looked in Mason's direction, only for all color to be drained from my face as I saw Mason had a black eye, a bloody hand, and a towel over his nose. I had also realized Cameron had light bandages over his right fist, and one on his neck. I could see the bruise on his neck through the light cloth.
"Cameron.. What did you do..?" I said in surprise and shock.
"I wasn't thinking.." He faintly said. I got up, a little mad at Cam, and went to see if Mason was ok. I sat next to him.
"Hey Mace, how are you feeling..?" I asked gently.
"My nose and hands hurt, other than that I'm surprisingly ok. It might just be the shock and adrenaline though.." He said, not looking up from the ground beneath him.
"I'm so sorry for what Cam-"
"It's alright, I deserved it. I shouldn't have posted the picture in the first place."
I looked up to see Cameron suddenly leaving the room. I sighed. Mason looked up to see why I sighed. He looked at my worried and somewhat sad expression.
"I know you like him." He suddenly said.
"Don't play stupid," Mason chuckled lightly, "I've seen the way you two look at each other. Go comfort him. He needs it emotionally more than I do. And tell him I'm sorry." Mason said. I smiled a little, getting up and gently hugging Mason, being careful to not hurt him. I calmly walked out of the room and towards Cameron's room.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Where stories live. Discover now